Descriptions of the sections

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Flutes- Our flutes are the quietest section BY FAR. They mostly just whisper things to each other.

Clarinets- They are a little bit louder. Most of them are nice, but there is a group of popular drama queens thrown in the mix as well. (My poor best friend has to sit by them)

Bass Clarinet- We only have one bass clarinetist. Usually, he is neglected by our directors, because there is only one of him. (He's really nice, BTW)

Saxophones- Here's where we start running into problems. The first and second chair saxophones BOTH have ADHD. It's not that I don't like people with ADHD, one of my good friends has it. It's just that, they fight like cats and dogs. Because they fight so much, they don't really focus on the musical aspect of band. (Like, they NEVER play any sharps and flats. EVER!!!)

French Horns- Another one of my BEST friends is in this section. (She's first chair). There are only four of them, though. The second chair kid is okay, but he corrects everyone. The third chair kid is a little cooky, and lately, doesn't bring his instrument. The fourth chair kid doesn't really know what he's doing, and is REALLY annoying.

First Trumpets- This is my section. (I'm first chair, in case you were wondering). The first trumpets are okay, except for this one kid. He is really tall, but you could never tell by how he sits. He slumps down in his chair, and spreads his legs out in front of him. He plays TOO loud, all of the time. He also never plays any sharps or flats, and doesn't play the rythem on the page. So, I wonder: How did he get fourth chair? It is a mystery in itself.

Second Trumpets-  The first chair second trumpet is a very good friend of mine, and a very good player. She is someone you can count on for steady backup. The other second trumpets are just a lost cause. They are in band just to mess around. I feel sorry with my friend, because she has to deal with them.

Trombones- The trombones are generally quiet people, except for these two kids. (I call them the two stooges). They crack jokes at EVERYTHING. (I will specify about some of them in later updates)

Baritones- We only have three, but they are single-handedly the second-loudest section (talking-wise). There isn't a time when they're NOT talking.

Tuba- We have one tuba player, who is relatively quiet. She is really nice.

Percussion- This is the LOUDEST section, BY FAR. (talking wise) We have about 20 percussionists, when we really only need about 6. I feel like they just joined percussion so they wouldn't have to lug home an instrument every day. Most of them have problems keeping a steady beat, which is not good!!! Only my friend (Yes, I have a friend in percussion too) and this other kid are really good at percussion.

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