Chapter 46

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The next morning jughead woke up in their bed and he couldn't keep the smile off his face. He rolled over and watched Betty as she slept, he kissed her cheek softly and her eyes fluttered open. "Hey baby" he smiled. "Good morning" she mumbled and snuggled into his chest. "I'm so happy" she said and he squeezed her tighter. "Me too" he said. "I don't have any work things today, do you?" She asked him. "No baby, I'm all yours" he said. "Good, let's stay here for longer" she told him and he laughed "Okay".

When they eventually decided to get up Betty made them both waffles and they sat and watched Netflix together before deciding to unpack jugheads things. "Okay you put your clothes and stuff in the bedroom and bathroom and I'll start to clear out a spare room for your office" she told him and he nodded. When he was done with his unpacking he went into the room Betty cleared out for him. His heart almost burst at the sight he was greeted with, his girlfriend was dancing around to the music on her phone; only in his T-shirt and her panties, hair messy, makeup free and her glasses on. He loved that he got to see this part of her. "Damn I'm lucky" he smirked and she jumped and turned around. "How long have you been there for?" She blushed "not long but I do have to say you are so cute... and pretty" he said and she grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips. " how do you like this space?" She said gesturing around the room. "It's perfect" he said as he picked up his camera from one of the boxes and pointed it at Betty. "Juggieee" she whined and put her hands over her face. "What? I take your photo all the time" he said as he snapped another one. "Yes but That's when I have glam on" she told him. "Betts you're so beautiful. Please let me take a photo of my gorgeous girlfriend" he said and gave her the puppy dog face. "Fine" she huffed and he took more photos of her, she even started to do silly poses and jughead cracked up laughing.

"so I was thinking we could make pasta for dinner?" Betty said to him as they were sat on the couch, tangled up in each other. "Or we could order take out?" Jug said and Betty looked a bit apprehensive. "That's a lot of calories..." she mumbled. Jug sat up and turned her to face him. "Baby. A take out can't hurt you. We could order from that Thai place? They do healthy stuff?" He said, trying to compromise. "Yeah... Okay. Yes" she said and he kissed her nose before pulling out his phone to place the order. As he was talking on the phone, Betty took the opportunity to think about how lucky she was to have such a loving boyfriend; who took care of her and who never pushed her and supported everything she did.

"Juggie!" Betty called from the bathroom. "Yeah betts?" He replied. "Can you come and grab me a towel please?" She said. "Sure!" He said and walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the side. He turned to her, she was stood in the shower, hair wet and dripping. "Thank you" she smiled, as she wrapped the towel around her. "You're welcome" he said and kissed her nose. "Did you have a nice shower?" He asked as he leaned against the counter and watched as she went through her after shower skin routine. "Yes I did thank you" she said. Jug knew Betty needed her own time and he knew she liked showering to clear her thoughts; although sometimes she asked jughead to join her. Jug waited in the bathroom with her and then followed her to the bedroom where she got changed into pyjamas, as did he; then they climbed into bed and Betty immediately cuddled into his side and he pulled her close, flicking on Netflix so they could watch a movie. "I love you" she sighed happily. "I love you too" he said.

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