Chapter 83

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"Hey you" Betty heard when her eyes flickered open. She saw jughead leaning over her and the morning sunlight was filling the room. "Good morning juggie" she smiled and rolled onto her side so she was cuddled into his chest. "I don't want to get up today" she mumbled and felt his chest vibrate as he laughed. "Well you don't have to baby, you have the day off but I have a photoshoot today" he told her. "What for?" She asked. "For a magazine. I think it's for a home decor magazine, I'm photographing some new showrooms" he said and she nodded. "That sounds cool" she said. "When are you leaving?" She asked as he ran his fingers up and down her arm. "In about an hour and half, I won't be back until like 6pm" he sighed. "I'll miss you" she whispered against his lips. "I'll miss you too" he said, capturing her lips with his. "Do you have time to have breakfast with me?" She asked and nodded. Half an hour later, jughead was showered and ready for day and was sat with Betty on their balcony eating the fresh croissants and drinking coffee Betty had gotten from down the street while he was in the shower. "So what will you do all day?" Jug asked. "I have no idea. It's a nice day today out but I don't know what to do, I hate being on my own" she said. "Will to be okay all day?" He asked and she smiled at his concern. "I'll be fine juggie" she said and pecked his lips.

Jughead was half way through his photoshoot. They were having a break while they were setting up what they wanted him to shoot next, so he took the opportunity to message Betty:

Jug: Hey beautiful! Are you okay? <3

Betty's reply came seconds later:

Betty: hi! I'm okay, missing you though! <3

Jug: I miss you more! What have you been up too? <3

Betty: me and Kevin went to her mani pedis, and now I'm just chilling at home <3

Jughead: that sounds nice! I'll be home in a few hours, I'll bring us home Dinner <3

Betty: sounds good. See you soon. Love you! <3<3

Jug: love you too <3<3

Jughead smiled and put his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't wait to be home with his love; all he wanted to do that morning was fall back asleep with her in his arms... this shoot Couldn't be over quick enough.

Betty had been waiting for Jughead to come home and she was bored. Her and Kevin had gone to get their nails done earlier on in the day and since then she'd just been at their apartment. To keep herself busy she decided to make cookies. Jugheads favourite cookies were chocolate chip she got to work making them, knowing he would appreciate them when he came home and they could snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. Just as she put the tray of cookies in the oven, and started to clean the mess, there was a knock on the door. She opened the door without looking through the peephole and she gasped at who was on the other side...

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