Chapter 36 ~ "I'm Going Home."

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(Luke's POV)

"Taylor , Baby calm down!" I said holding her as tightly as possible . I knew how much her auntie Lydia meant to her , and knowing that she was dieing - personally , I'd take it extremely bad too. She sobbed into my chest , making my black Nirvana shirt soaked , but as if I gave two fucks - my girlfriend is going through something huge and needs to let everything out . It could be worse ; she could be not crying and we all know what happens when you bottle something up, you end up going crazy and breaking down and that's a lot worse than crying now.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes with her shirt sleeve before stumbling up off of me and the floor and walked out of the kitchen. I looked in confusion to the direction she walked in . Amy picked me up , physically kicking me out of the door and closed it behind me . I followed Taylor up the stairs , rubbing my ass cheek where Amy's feet made contact with me - surely leaving a shoe mark on the back of my black jeans . I heard Taylor sob and a door slam shut .

I paced outside her door for a few minutes , debating whether she wants to be alone or not .

"Luke please come in , I can hear you pacing and whispering ," she said , her voice sounding like it was mumbled into a pillow . I hesitantly opened up the door slowly , my head peeping in before it fully opened .She was lying boobs down- I mean face down on her bed with her face shoved into her pillow. Her hair was down with a few plaits in it - but it was all messy , like a bedhead, obviously from tossing and turning on her bed for the last ten minutes.

"Baby please talk to me ," I said taking my wet shirt off and going over to her and lying beside her on her bed . I rubbed her back up and down and I heard her breathing slowing down from the fast paced way it was before .

"I don't know how to put this feeling into words Lucas ! I feel like me heart is being ripped out of my chest and being stomped on ," She shouted into her pillow followed by a loud sob .

I swiftly lifted her head off the soft pink pillow and onto my chest . She slowly breathed in and out as I connected our hands together ; intertwining our fingers .

"Sorry for shouting at you . I'm just really close to her - she's like my built in best friend ! I can't imagine life without her. I need her Lu-" she began but I cut her off by kissing her softly , ten moved along to pepper her face in loads of kisses .

"Don't worry about it , love go to sleep .," I rubbed her arm and she closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.

Her expression softens a lot when she sleeps , her mouth slightly open and her hair covering her face ; I always found this adorable . I brushed my thumb over her tear stained red cheeks and kissed them . Her whole face was red , especially her eyes , my poor baby .

(Jamie's POV)

"Do you think she's okay?" Lauren asked , pacing around the kitchen asking the same question over and over .

"I don't know . But if you keep pacing you won't be okay ! You're giving me a headache!" I said taking my head in my hands . Michael was sitting on the table and I was sitting on a chair pulled into the table , my head was resting on his knee and his hand was rubbing my hair .

Ashton had Amy sitting on his lap and she was tapping away at her phone , occasionally showing Ashton something that was much to his amusement . I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I signalled everybody to shut up ; hoping it was Luke to tell us how she is . The door opened and everyone's head snapped over to see a shirtless Luke who's hair was messed up and his eyes looked slightly heavy.

"Can you all help me bring blankets and shit upstairs ? Its fucking freezing up there ! " he said , in a deep sleepy voice , going over to the fridge and grabbing a cold can of Gemma's Energy Drink and opening it up but setting it down on the counter beside where Jake and Calum were sitting .

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