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Hi everyone out there!!

Here's the next chapie!!!

I dedicate this chapie to my friends Farzana_farzee and Love997   for voting forst on the previous chapie!! Thank you❤


Katherine's POV :

I sat down on my bed and opened the diary in which I wrote about the spies. If at all Surya asks me to leave, I just hope that he'll see this somehow. I must leave it where he will find it.

I changed into a much comfortable dress and sat waiting for Surya to come home and started preparing about how to tell him.

I also began thinking how Mr.Varaprasad knew that I hadn't told Surya yet.

I walked into Rachel's room and saw her sleeping. Santhi is looking at her lovingly.

" You seemed to very attached to her Santhi." I remarked.

" Yes I am Katherine. I was there right from her birth. She was born here in Delhi itself but had to go to Mumbai because of the inevitable happenings." Santhi smiled sadly.

" You must be close with Rachel's family then." I said.

" Yes, I am her grandmother." She said as if she's in a trance remembering the past.

Her face held pure panic when she realised what she had said.

" Please don't tell this anyone. Noone knows about it even Surya. I beg you." She had tears in her eyes.

" I won't tell anyone Santhi. But why are you being a nanny for her when you are her grandmother? You completely have rights on your blood." I said not understanding why Santhi is doing this.

" Life is not that easy beti. How I wish I could claim that she's my blood." She said sadly.

" Is Surya the problem?" I asked.

" No no Surya is not the problem. Please don't tell any of this to him." She said quickly. But I have seen fear in her eyes.  What is she afraid of?

" Okay I won't relax." I said and she relaxed exhaling deeply.

I looked that it's been a half an hour I came here.

" Take care of yourself and Rachel well Santhi. I am going to meet Surya." I said because I don't know if I'll see her and Rachel afterwards.

After seeing Surya's car in the parking, I walked near Surya's room and I knocked it. I didn't hear a response. I waited for a while and knocked again.  There is no response again. I continued standing there not knowing what to do now.

Ramu baba was passing that way and he asked me why I was standing there.

" Baba I need to talk to Surya." I said.

" Then why are you waiting outside beti. He's your husband. Go inside." He said and I turned the door knob and to my convenience the door is not locked.

I walked inside and sat on his bed. He's not here. Maybe he's in his closet. I had shivers when I remembered the first time I was on this bed. Only that night was the reason that I'm still alive or else I would have committed suicide at my home and noone would have stopped it. I don't regret that night but I don't know if I had done a right thing or not.

Hearing a door click, I turned behind.

It is of the washroom's. Surya came out of the washroom. Oh, he was having a shower.  He was in a towel wrapped around his lower abdomen and his hair is wet too. I mentally faceplamed myself for turning around.

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