Chp. 14

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  • Dedicated to those who love this book <3

I woke up at 11:30 am. Shit! We are supposed to leave to go shopping at noon. I ran downstairs, where Nicola and Ruth were talk/watching TV.

"IM UP!" I yelled.

"Ow... you had to scream in my ear." Ruth laughed.

"Oh, im sorry." I said.

"Its fine. Get dressed!" Nicola ordered. I went back up the stairs to my room to change. I picked out a really cute yellow sun-dress with speghetti straps. I bought it with Sierra last year. She said it brought out my eyes. I brushed my curly/wavy hair and held my bangs back with a yellow bow. I put on my makeup, (as in my mascara, eyeliner, natural-colored eyeshadow, and lip gloss) and put on white flats. I brushed my teeth real quick. I grabbed my purse and raced downstairs.

"Ok! Im ready to go!" I announced.

"Ok, but, um, why are you all dressed up?" Ruth asked, eyeing my outfit.

"Cause you guys are all dressed up." I said. Ruth had a really cute long floral tank-top shirt and leggings on, and Nicola had a white shirt and a blue skirt on.

"True." Nicola shrugged.

"So, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep!" Ruth said happily.

They got up off the couch and we headed to the door when Liam walked in.

"AHH! The monster awkened from his nap! Oh wait, thats just Liam." I said, punching his shoulder.

He glared at me, yawned, and asked, "What are you guys doing?"

"Getting ready to go shopping." Ruth said.


"Yeah, no boys allowed. Dont trash the house while we are gone, or I swear I will murder all of you. Ok, girls, lets go. Bye!" Nicola said, grabbing my arm and leading me to her car. I got in passenger, and Ruth go in the back. We buckled in and Nicola turned on the car. The radio turned on, and 'One Thing' was on.

"Ugh! They are on the radio all the time!" Nicola groaned, changing the channel.

"Thats the way it is in the US, too." I said.

"It gets annoying, you know. I mean, I like their music, but we hear it 24/7." Ruth sighed.

"Tell me about it." Nicola agreed.

I felt a little awkward. "So, um, what store are we going to first?"

"This really cool store called 'Freak Out'. Its cool." Ruth said.

"Oh, it sounds...freaky?" I said, making them both laugh.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the shop. And it really...lived its name? I mean, on the outside it looked like a stripper club of something.

"Come on, Lia." Nicola said, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the store. Once inside, it looked amazing! It had cute shirts, dresses, jeans, skirts, and more!

"OMG Look at that dress!" I said, running over it a strapless zebra-striped mini-dress.

"I knew you would like this store." Ruth laughed.

"I love this store!" I cried.

"Good, cause we do, too." Nicola said.

I smiled at both of them. It felt nice to shop with my sisters.

And the word sisters felt right.


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