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Kim Taehyung was on the big red bus, on his way to the Krusty Krab. He'd seen those delicious Krabby Patties all over TV, and wanted to try it for himself. Namjoon and Seokjin tried to tell him there was no such thing and it was just a cartoon. Are they idiots? Of course it was real.

So as the bus stopped, the driver yelled in his annoying tone, "LaSt sToP, BiKiNi bOttOm, eVeRyOnE oFf"

So Tae got off and walked off the bus. Right down the street was the Krusty Krab. As he was walking toward the Krusty Krab, he saw these 3 houses. One really caught his eye. "Wow...such a sexy pineapple" he said to no one, staring at the big pineapple house, then went on his way.

He then arrived at the Krusty Krab. He walkex in, greeted by this ugly squid. "Welcome to the Krusty Krab, how may i take your order?" said the squid, in an annoyed but monotonous voice. "Uh, just a krabby patty, some kelp fries, and a kelp shake will do."

Just then the worst words in the universe was said. "sOrRy tHe kELp sHaKe mAcHiNe iS bRoKeN"

Taehyung held his anger in and just said "okay. just the patty and fries will do then."

As the ugly squid repeated what Tae had said to a man on the other side of the wall, Tae and the sponge met eyes. Taehyung blushed as he quickly looked away. "Wow, them eyes sexier than Jimin's eyes" he thought to himself.

Taehyung then walked to an open table to wait for his food, hoping the cute yellow man would bring his food. Luckily for him, it was.

"Here is your meal sir! One krabby patty and some delicious kelp fries!" The yellow man said, setting Taehyung's tray of food onto the table.

"Thank you. Ya know, you're pretty cute. What's your name?" Taehyung said in a flirty tone to the yellow sponge, causing him to blush. "Why sir, I'm flattered. I'm SpongeBob"

"Nice to meet you SpongeBob.. I'm Taehyung."

wow this is stupid but okay

Taehyung x SpongeBobWhere stories live. Discover now