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back in the living room with taehyung and the others, tae replied to the unkown messenger's message.

taetiddies: heLLO

800-666-4321: idk man that hello sounded kinda gay to me

tae giggled, jimin watching the conversation over tae's shoulder in humiliation that he was even friends with this man. jin and yoongi came back in the room a few minutes later, a wide grin spread across yoongi's face while he was still holding in laughs, though a saddened look over jin's face.

"what's wrong?" tae asked looking at the elder in confusion.

"it's nothing" jin replied, just as a notification sound came from tae's phone.

800-666-4321: so, you wanna meet up somewhere tonight?

taetiddies: bet

"what did he say?" namjoon asked.

"oh, we're gonna meet up tonight" tae said as he changed the numbers contact name on his phone.

spongetiddies: where should we meet up? your house?

taetiddies: sounds good to me

"are yall fine if spongebob comes over tonight guys?"

"oh no-" yoongi said seeing jin look down at the carpet rethinking his life decisions

"i dont see why not" everyone else agreed

"okay, he'll be here in a few hours" tae replied.

a few hours later

a knock was heard from the door, as jin, of course already having forgotten spongebob was coming over, walked to the door and opened it.

jin looked down at the smaller male, his eyes widened and afraid to speak.

"oh... it's you" spongebob said with a smirk on his face. "dont worry baby, you can get your second chance soon." the sponge smirked, blowing a kiss to him and walking past him through the door.

jin shivered with cringe, closing the door behind him as spongebob walked in to the living room where everyone but jin was sitting.

"spongebob!" tae yelled a huge grin across his face, jumping up and hugging the sponge. namjoon's jaw dropped, realizing he'd seen that sponge before. that was the guy he saw with jin a lot.

"hi sweetie" spongebob said in a flirtatious tone, kissing the elder on his cheek. taehyung blushed, sitting on the couch next to spongebob.

jin walked to the couch on the other side of the room from the two, next to namjoon, able to tell joon recognized him.

the younger whispered to jin, "my namtiddies are betteR than those spongetiddies, and you picked those over mine? ew"

"hush" jin whispered back as taehyung introduced everyone. "everyone, this is spongebob. spongebob, this is jimin, yoongi, jungkook, namjoon, and jin!" the boy said proudly, surprised he remembered his own friends names tbh.

"oh, i know that one over there" spongebob said pointing to jin, as jin rolled his eyes. "really, how?" tae asked.

"let's just say we have some... past history." the sponge said, smirking.


yes im AWARE hoseok was not mentioned, just wait :)

Taehyung x SpongeBobWhere stories live. Discover now