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12.12 p.m.

"Should I wake them up?"

Hoseok nodded at the smaller, "Please, it's getting late already." he said, munching on a piece of toast.

Jimin toddled to the rooms, knocking at doors, leaving the older at the kitchen with the presence of their eldest.

"Who knew we'd wake up this late?" Jin chuckled, peeling a banana, taking a bite from the tip.

Hoseok sighed, a smile making its way to his face. "We were up pretty late yesterday. Now we'll have to deal with a mad hyung, we're too late for the shooting. Not too mention, it's a six hour drive."

Jin hummed a tune for a second. An annoying one in Hoseok's opinion.

"What did they say we'll do for this episode?" the eldest asks after swallowing.

The younger shrugged. "Don't know, I think Namjoon heard but not sure."

Jin nodded as he continued biting into the fruit.

As if on cue, their tallest member cam trudging in, dragging his feet, his eyes still closed.

"Good morning," Hoseok greeted the leader, earning a nod.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the seat beside Hoseok, stretching when his butt touched the chair, yawning loudly.

"My back hurts, my legs hurt, my arms hurt, everything hurts." the leader mumbled.

Jin and Hoseok rolled their eyes at the younger's childish act.

"Now you know what it feels to be old. Make that as a lesson for teasing me always." Jin smirked, pushing a plate of stacked toasts to the groggy rapper.

Namjoon groaned, taking a sip of coffee from the person beside him, Hoseok not bothering to complain.

"Back pain? Namjoon? I'm not surprised." Yoongi comes in, pajamas seemingly too long and loose for him and Kumamon slippers under his bare feet.

Jin choked on his banana.

"That's not wrong though." Hoseok bursted laughing, slapping the table with his left hand, a toast still in the other.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Good morning too hyung."

"Tae and Kook are coming." Jimin called, joining his hyungs in the kitchen bar, slippimg beside Jin who was in the kitchen side.

"But I've gotta say. Namjoon here rarely gets back pains, why make it now when we have a ton of shit -"


"- to do." Yoongi finishes, not missing the sour look the eldest sent him.

"Maybe that's what the ghost did to you, 'cause you won't believe it exists somewhere here." Hoseok pointed out, making the younger groan.

"Maybe I just woke up in the wrong side of the bed or just worn out from what happened yesterday." He reasons out, earning an eye roll from the dancer beside him.

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