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(A/N: Nothing is an authors note unless marked with A/N, anything marked with one * will be explained at the end of the chapter)


"Hey I have your permission to use your names in a story I'm writing, right?"

No response.

The person sighed as they set their phone down. They were probably testing or something, they won't see until later. Honestly it was too be expected.

This is our side character, I would tell you their name but that would confuse you. Well, it would confuse you more if I didn't explain about them, we do have to follow them for now. They will serve as our POV right now, I'm too lazy a narrator to do stuff myself.

The person yawned as the band continued to play, only five more minutes and it'll be next period. They didn't want to leave. They looked over and watched a petite girl talk to a guy dressed like a stereotypical emo. Enter side character number two, Cedron.

Cedron was excitedly bouncing around by the glockenspiel, her short brown hair swaying with her high energy. Her outfit of overall shorts and a hoodie along with her appearance and small stature made her look like a child. It wasn't too far off in all honesty, she was a little and age regressed as a coping mechanism pretty often. Cedron looked over and made eye contact with our person and waved, smiling like a little kid. Our POV character waved back before looking back to their phone.

I'll go ahead and explain this character, it'll be less work for me if I do now. This is Roen, they're non-binary afab*. If you were confused about their existence already, then I wish I could see your expression if you saw them. They try to look androgynous* most of the time and they have passed as male and female multiple times in the same day before.

Roen sat against the wall in the back of the band room still typing that story. They giggled at something they wrote as the band continued to play a dark and soothing melody, well not really soothing but you could tell it was supposed to be. The trumpets and the soloists weren't in their very best shape. As the song ended and the band director instructed everyone to take out a fast tempo dance, Roen watched as Cedron laid down and hid under an instrument cover.

The emo boy bent down and started to try to convince her to get back up to play. She ignored him. Roen silently laughed, muffled under the quick pace music. They weren't exactly the warmest when it came to that boy, so Roen planned to leave them out of their story. As they went back to their phone however, the bell rang for the next hour. Roen's friend, Oliver, walked to the back.

"Hey, how was an hour and a half of playing?" Roen had a smile on their face, it was almost smug but still warm and genuine. Oliver feigned an angry face but couldn't stop his smile poking through. "I want to die, did you charge my computer?" Roen laughed, "Yeah I did, and same." They both walked out of the band room and into the bland, white hallway. Oli crouched to the ground to pick up his stuff as Roen lingered there to talk. A piece of construction paper was lying on the ground by Oli's stuff, on it was handwriting that looked like a child had written it. The paper simply said "vote for Bren" Oli glanced over to it and back to Roen.

"Hey," Oli grinned.
"Vote for Bren, you gay." Roen laughed in response to Oli's comment. "Alright you homo let's go." Roen suggested, taking a small step towards the doors to the hallway. Oli stood up and they both began walking towards the vending machine before heading to class.

Let me take this time to explain how Roen and Oliver look. As you can tell, I'm not a good narrator so I kind of glossed over that fact.

Roen is androgynous is appearance and has poofy brown hair, bringing out their dark black/brown eyes. They routinely wear similar outfits each day, normally dark hoodies and jeans for school. They almost always have a small jean purse when they go out in public and either headphones or earbuds.

Oliver looks androgynous as well, usually wearing similar things but not quite. He usually wears designed hoodies and jeans or sweatpants. He has split colored hair, blue and purple, but parts his hair on the right side because it's long on the left side. Oliver has an ever-so-slightly turned up nose, which is actually kinda cute, and a scrawny neck.

Before I skip to the next part, I thought I should let you know. Roen and Oliver will be called by different names throughout this story. Thank the author for such colorful characters, they just love to add in their characters even though they aren't important to the story. Yeah, none of the aforementioned characters are the main character, how do you feel about that? Can I quit now?

< Amy The Demon ***

Heheh yeah, btw did you see the Inxtagram account I sent you a while ago? :R

A: Huh?

So I sent you an account that makes almost-NSFW comics bUT it's good almost-NSFW because a theme they have is "Consent is Sexy" :R

I thought you'd like it lololol :R

A: Oh yeah, I did see it

A: I absolutely love their art and it's really well
made, and I like the "nsfw" heheh

Yes, it's the type that we need to show young inquiring minds, there's really good examples shown for consent :R

Alright so I know you're thinking about him now and hypothetical things aHem so Let me get your mind off of it :R

Alright so I know you're thinking about him now and hypothetical things aHem so Let me get your mind off of it :R

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Oh yeah, you know how I joke around about our lives being an anime or fictional story?:R


Guess what I'm writing:R

A:Oh no

Oh yes:R

A:Roen no

Roen yes:R




Why not:R

It'll be the most meta story ever I swear.:R

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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