Going To Hell

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This is it.

No like this is really it.

No like this is really seriously it guys.

I,Samantha Daniels is literally going to Hell.

This is nerve racking and scary yet exciting all at the same time. I still have so many questions!

Like is it really hot down there or is that just to look all evil and cool at the same time?If so should I pack summer clothes? Or all of them?

My bag is already packed but it would never hurt make quick changes you know? Like -

"Sam you coming?"I heard Leon's voice breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?"I asked turning to him.

"The portal's here are you ready to go?"He said with his head peaking in through the side of the door.

"Oh-uh,yea i'm ready."I said picking up my things and looking at the sort of empty room.

Since I get to come back when ever I want I just decied to keep my house and some of my things here just on case.

I walked in the livingroom to see the portal right there waiting for me,just spiraling in colors of pink,white, blue and purple.

I see Leon walk half way in and stop in the middle sticking out his hand.

"Come on. I got you."I smiled and nervously grabbed his hand as he began to pull me in.


"It's good to be home."I said breathing in what was formally known as Hell.

Samantha looked like a new born baby just staring at everything.

"Want a tour?"I asked,she nodded.

"Chelsea? I'm home."I said calling out to my maid who was more like a second mother to me.

"Is that my baby Lele?"I see Chelsea walking in dusting her hands off on her apron.Chelsea was short,well compared to me short,heavyset women who has been with the family for years.

"Yea i'm home and I have a surprise for you."I said stepping out of the way so she could see Samantha.

"And who is this little pretty model?"She asked,Samantha blushed.

"My soul mate Samantha."Her eyes widened and. she looked at Samantha to see if I was lying and Sam nodded.

She pulled us into a hug and squeezed us moving side to side."Oh i'm so happy for you!"

"Alright now when's the wedding?Because I can make the cake.Have you told your father? Are you going to turn her?Did you guys do the deed yet?"She was babbling endless questions while Samantha was still blushing embarrassed at some of the questions she looked so cute.

"Chelsea, Chelsea. CHELSEA!"I screamed getting her attention.

"Huh?"She asked.

"Were not getting married, well not yet at least.No I have not told my father yet, I said once I take over I will turn her,and no we did not do the deed yet.I was just calling you so you could meet her and take her bag to my room,while I give her a tour of the place."I said reassuring her.

She sucked her teeth then smiled picking up Sam's bag."Well keep in mind I want grandbabies. A lot."She said walking out with me groaning in embarrassment and Samantha laughing her ass off.

"Oh?So you think this is funny?"I said picking her up and tossing her over my shoulder running to our first destination with her in a giggling fit telling me to put her down.

I put her down and said. "Here we have the holding cells where all the people that have done wrong sleep and eat. They get three square meals a day,shower,then go right back to work. It's sort of like prison, but just for eternity. Unless in the certain case they get released if there case was proven invalid. Meaning we can't really tell if it was their fault or not or they were driven to the point or provoked. In that situation they get sent back for 1 second chance at life or they get to prove themselves in life court."

She nodded processing it all.As she hopped on my back saying. "Gidddy Yup!"

I smiled and muttered."The things I do for you."

I used my powers running to the next destination with Samantha screaming 'Wooooo' until we got there.

I put her down and her hair actually looked nice, like she just got a nice blowout. I chuckled as she ran her hands through her hair getting it out of her face.

Her eyes went wide as she seen my soon-to-be thrown. She looked at me then asked."C-can I sit on it?"

I nodded saying."Of course,vas soon as I take over i'm having one made for you right beside it."

She smiled sweetly at me then slowly walked over to it. She walked up to it walking around it while touching the material before sitting down.

I was getting hard just at the sight of her.Her hair was all tossled and she looked sexy up there like it was made for her. Like she was made to be the queen. My queen,all she needed was a crown.

She closed her eyes for a second breathing in and then opened them up with a sort of crazed look in her eyes which made them look a faint gold instead of the light shade of brown I know and loved.



When I sat down I felt something I never felt before coarse through me. Power.

Leon's eyes widened and he quickly walked towards me pulling me off the chair and the feeling drained out me.

"Oh yea, I forgot about that if you are not strong enough to obtain and hold that power of a demon then it can make you turn evil and crazy. Like if your and angel and you sit there for too long you'll turn into a dark angel."He explained to me and I pouted.

"I liked how it felt." I said still pouting crossing my arms. He took my hand and popped it.Waving his finger in my face scolding me saying. "No,no evil Sammy."

I huffed then turn around acting as if I was mad at him.

"Sam your really going to ignore me because I just saved you?" I said nothing still 'ignoring' him.



"Sammy."He tried one more time then I didn't here anything anymore thinking I won so I tried to turn but was blocked by a wall of chest.


He tilted my head to look up at him and said."You can't ignore me."

I could already see the lust in his eyes. Them he grabbed my face smashing my lips into his,demanding entrance and when I didn't give it to him he squeezed my butt making me gasp and moan at the same time.

He took that as an opportunity to search my mouth with his. This kept going on for a while until someone dramatically slow clapped entering the room and Leon hissed with his eyes changing from lust to anger.

Well she's finally in Hell.But who do you think that is ?????

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