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Lindsey walked through the halls of her sisters house. Growing children ran by her playing with dolls and trucks or anything they could find. She came to a door and put her hand on the doorknob. It was almost open when a voice called to her, "Where are you going, aunty?" Lindsey turned to see her little niece Jess, behind her. She smiled and kissed her head. "I'll be back, angel. I promise." With that she turned the knob and went through the door into a dark room.

The dark, cozy room was for her to only use. She turned on the lamp that stood on the desk. She sighed sitting down and opening an empty book. She picked up her golden pen and set it to write. Before starting, she looked at the picture on the desk. Her sister, Darcy, her brother, Killian, and they're husband and wife and then there was herself.

She looked down at the page and started writing down her story:

"To Darcy, Killian, and Red,

There's a lot about me you don't know and have never needed to know until now. Things have changed, but I promise things will go back to normal, but first...I need to tell you my story. The real, truthful story and this is how it began." She turned the page and started the story that would change everything.

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