Chapter 1

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Lindsey woke up startled in the dead of night. Her breathing was heavy as she sat up and looked around the room that had too many beds to count. She looked at the empty bed beside her. She sighed even more.

Getting out of bed, Lindsey quietly slipped on her boots. She knew where to go and who to look for, but she didn't want the little one in the bed a few feet away to wake up. But, before she could stand up all the way, she heard a low male voice.

"Where are you going?" She turned to see the little boy sitting up in bed and she smiled to herself.

"Go back to sleep, Daniel. I'll be back soon." She stood up and so did he. She looked at him with a threatening look. "What do you think you're doing?" She spoke in a hushed voice.

"I'm going with you. Whether you like it or not." She groaned and rolled her eyes, but Daniel just smirked at her with sparking eyes and put on his shoes.

She seriously hated that he always wanted to come with her. She promised to look after him when he was dropped here and this was not the way to do it. Lindsey walked to the door and looked over her shoulder at him. She could see the thrill that started growing in his eyes. He was still so young though and only would talk to her.

She opened the big swinging doors silently, slipping into the hall outside the room. She looked at Daniel and smiled a bit. "We have to find Sara. Before the mistress gets to her first." She peaked her head around the corner and felt his head do the same below her. Lindsey smiled down the empty hall and walked in the moonlight.

"You know if we get caught, I'm blaming it on you." The little boys voice said as he came to her. Lindsey looked down at him and smiled.

"Ok, but I'll say you had an accident in bed." Lindsey smiled down at Daniel, laughing silently. "Hey! That was only one time!" Daniel whispered harshly to her, but Lindsey only smiled and moved down the hall

They came to a balcony overlooking the Forest outside the orphanage and it's walls, but right in the middle of it all stood a lonely girl. Sue, Sara was no older than Lindsey, but she was taller and leaner with so much more grace. Her blonde hair blew in the wind and something was strangely beautiful at the way the moon caught the tears on her cheeks.

"You know," Lindsey spoke making her way towards the girl, "You'll catch a cold if you stay out in this weather." She looked up at the girl who missed her family so dearly that she'd snuck out against every rule they were given. Lindsey kind of wished she had a family to remember like everyone else, but she didn't and for that she was greatful. No one to miss or worry about. No one to cry for every time something horrible happens.

The girl looked at Lindsey and smiled sadly. "You are right, as always." She looked at the boy next to Lindsey and smiled. "You should get back to bed, little guy. Before we all get caught." She pushed him towards the door and he took off running towards the room, but Lindsey turned to the girl. "What was it this time?"

"I remembered...My parents. How they died. Why they died." She sighed looking down wiping a tear from her cheek. "'ll get better. I promise things will be better soon." Lindsey smiled up at Sara and hugged her. They'd been friends since Sara and Daniel arrived there. Though they weren't siblings, Daniel and Sara came together, but they never knew why and never asked.

Walking back to the room with Sara, Lindsey couldn't help but think about her own mother. Lindsey wasn't like anyone else in this world. She remembered the day she was born and the last words spoken to her. "This is for your best chance." She whispered to herself.

"What?" Sara asked.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She shook her head and opened the door to their room. Lindsey walked to her cot and laid down and fell asleep slowly, wishing, hoping for a better life. Yet knowing she'd never have one.

The Once Upon a Time That Never HappenedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant