The Beginning

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It started as just a normal day for little Brad until math class. "Teacher, can I use the washroom?" He asked. "Yes but make it quick. Last time you went, you were gone for the rest of class." The teacher said, but little did he know, Brad was actually going to sneak into the girls washroom. "OMG! Like, I like, hate my parents like, so much!" Bi- Uh, I mean... Female Dog #1 complained to her equally bitchy (oops) friend. "I'm like, so totes with you girly! Like ugh! Parents are like, so annoying!" Bitch #2 complained... Since they're bitches and that's what bitches do. "My dad is always just like, going on about how I'm like, too young to date, and I'm just like, ugh! Just like, shut up!" Brad then blushes as he realizes this could be his chance to get some chicks. "Hey!" He exclaimed, but then his voice cracked, ultimately ruining his moment, so the 2 bitches turn to him and give him a dirty stare (no, not in that way you fucking sickos) without a word. "What? I'm just saying hi." He responds confused as his voice continues cracking more. "Um... Can we like, help you or something?" Bitch #1 asked. "You can date me." Brad exclaimed. "Ugh! You're like, kidding, right?" She huffed. "Wow! It's like, no wonder he has to be in the girls bathroom." Bitch #2 said as they both start giggling like little girls. "Whatever you bitch!" Brad yelled as he stormed away.

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