A New Guitarist

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After finding out that Adam can play guitar, the band does end up continuing, but fast forward another 6 years later when Adam approaches Neil and Brad. "Hey. I found someone that can be our guitarist."
"Wait! What about you?" Brad interrupted. "I'm stepping down."
"What?! But I love your guitar playing!" He whined. "Listen, it's tough to play guitar, sing, and keep the crowd's energy going all at the same time. Now will you just let me talk?"
"Alright, I'm sorry." Brad groaned as Adam dragged their maybe new guitarist over. "This guy. His name is Barry Stock. He's an awesome guitarist and I think people will love us more if they see him up on that stage because he's fine as hell."
"What the fuck!" Barry said. "Oh, so now you're cheating on me with that fugly bastard?" Brad argued. "Excuse me, who are you calling fugly? You're a 4 foot emo whose face looks like a fish."
"For the last time Brad, I'm a dude and I'm not gay!"
"That's kind of hard to believe hearing that voice."
"Shut up Barry!"
"I'm just saying. Why am I even here anyway?"
"You're joining our band, Three Days Grace."
"Three Days Grace."
"Yes, Three Days Grace."
"What the fuck! I hate your crappy music, and now you want me to JOIN?!"
"Well guess what! You don't really have a choice. You are joining whether you like us or not, so if you don't stop talking, I will throw your ass in a lake full of sharks!"
"Fine." Barry sighed.

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