#4 Dyon

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Aksha didn't slow till she was a few blocks down the road then hailed a taxi. Hopping into devilish portals in the middle of the city could be problematic to cover up afterwards. They drove out of town to a rundown mill. Hopping out, clicking her fingers so he forgot he ever gave her a lift, and sent him on his way. She bent down, and grabbed a handful of red soil. Throwing it at seemingly nothing the haze of red shimmered a moment and she slipped into nothing. Doors to hell are surprisingly not obvious things. Very few humans stumble upon them (and the few that have are sent back without remembering they were ever there.) Interestingly, more animals stumble into hell, making many question human intelligence immensely.

Why don't the demons just keep the poor sods there? Well, because as bad as they are, there are rules. Rules. Rules. Rules. And even they are governed by rules. One of them being, that a soul must be fairly judged, and preferably the human must be dead when the judging occurs.

The other side of this portal was an ornate mansion. No, no lava. Or torturous screams. Demons like to live in nice places too. This housed Aksha's commanding officer. He claimed he received his orders from the King himself, but Aksha had serious suspicions that their work didn't even reach the ears of the Generals.

Dyon is a pompous, self absorbed, spoilt demon brat. Why does she work for him? He was generally too drunk to keep track of his minions. Basically free to do whatever the hell they wanted to (pun intended). She did however, give him a breakdown every now and again. He could also provide some serious power if a large amount was required.

Right then, Aksha was there for a different reason.

"Sir, Ashka to see you."

"Ashka! How is my favourite demon dealer!" He said that to all his dealers.

Aksha bowed. "Sir, I need to speak with you alone."

"Ooh," He laughs. "Accepting my offer at last?"

She grimaced as the others laughed with him.

"Sir, this is serious."

"Ashka, Ashka, I am sure you can tell everyone. And if it is what I wish, they can watch too."

Again with the laughter.

She sighed, drawing herself up and saying it in one breathe, "An angel is working in my area."

A silence fell in the room. Dyon looked furious. She wasn't sure at what. The angel or her for telling him about it.

"Do you know the angel's strength?"

"No." Angel strength can only be determined on contact. However, that exposes the demon.

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do! Find out!"

Aksha bowed and left the room. She hopped through another portal into an apartment on the other side of the city. How was she going to find out without exposing herself? She knew for certain, he must be rather powerful because he had no shield on. He proudly showed off his angelical nature. Someone with that much confidence must be highly ranked. But his silly choice of name and his awkward nature told her he is new to earth. Maybe he made a mistake.

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