#9 Dyon

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Dyon was spitting furious. First he was uncomfortable upon hearing an Archangel was roaming in my territory but he really got frothing when I mention the name he gave me. No one else in the room seemed to know what the commotion was about either.

"It must be Michael!"

I stood before him in my human form. It had been many years since I had changed back to what I really looked like. Even in front of my own kind.

"They want him. All for himself."

I was never afraid of Dyon. If he destroyed me I imagined it would be a quick death with his temper. And a release for me.

"They want to use him."

He often babbled incoherent sentences when faced with a problem.

"You." He pointed in my direction. "Must find Richard and bring him to me."

"Who is he?"

"He will help us win the war."

Dyon snapped his fingers at another demon. A higher rank then myself.

"You, you will help her." He simply nodded. As we started to back away, Dyon shouted.

"Take this." He clapped his hands and two vials with swirling purple liquid appeared in each of our hands. "It's to defend against the angels power." As we walked, I glanced at my companion. When we slipped through the portal, I asked in passing.

"What is Nemamiah's power?"

The other demon sighed. His host was a young man with slick black hair. "He fights against injustice and protects those that cannot protect themselves. He inspires empathy in hearts of people and weaker demons such as yourself."

I snarled.

"Look, darling. I think it's safe to say that this is now my area." He said with a smile.

"Fuck you." I popped open a portal to my apartment making sure it closed quickly behind me.

As cocky as I wanted to sound I was worried. Demons exist and get power from those who make deals with them and in a matter of speaking 'believe' in them. Without a follower, a demon will be useless. Making deals ensures existence, and the more of them you get the more powerful you become. I was happy with my corner of earth, but now this bastard was about to muscle in on my territory. Hmph. I need to find Richard. Before he does.

Soul DealersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang