Chapter One - I Look Like A WereWolf

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Chapter One - I Look Like A Werewolf

My eyes were locked to the television as the end credits began to flash across the screen. It was a typical summer day and the air conditioning was failing at keeping the heat outside. I soon drug myself from the couch and made my way to the kitchen.

My best friend, Holly Benmark, was had been hanging out with me as she does daily. We'd met in elementary school and happened to live in the same apartment complex. Though I was known to be on the shyer side, Holly was extroverted enough for both of us.

The program we had watched was a horror about werewolves. I became uninterested when I saw how cheesy it was, but Holly was invested in the romantic plot. I, unfortunately, shared the same name has the main character, Luna, yet she was much too dramatic to be anything like me. We physically also shared similarities such as curly black hair, caramel-hued skin, and willowy figures. I suppose I just look a bit like a werewolf, who knew!?

"Well, is there another movie you want to watch?" Holly asked, following me as I flung open the fridge.

"You can just pick something out," I suggested.

My father works long hours and was known to care deeply about his craft. He's a microbiologist and spends most of his free time conducting experiments. That leaves the responsibility of babysitting my little sister to me.

Lydia is seven years younger than me and can be a bit of a pain, as many younger siblings tend to be. She had shuffled from her room and joined our lazy afternoon, carrying her favorite penguin plush.

I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave as Holly sifted through our movie collection. Dad should've been home hours ago, and agreed to take us all to the tennis courts. I didn't surprise Holly or me as my father's promises are often empty.

I quickly returned to my spot on the leather sofa and Holly soon joined me. We shared the popcorn, though Lydia gobbled most of it up before the film even began. Our movie marathon continued throughout the evening until Dad finally entered the apartment.

"Hey, Dad!" Lydia exclaimed in a squeaky voice.

My father didn't bother acknowledging my sister and instead bustled into his office. He wore his usual disheveled hair and carried a large dark briefcase. It was too late to play tennis, as we planned, so I decided against convincing him to take us.

"I wonder what's wrong with him," I muttered as I uncross my legs from underneath me.

"Mom just texted me that I need to head home," Holly ran her thin fingers through her sandy blonde hair. "Since it's Saturday tomorrow she can just take us to the courts. I'll see you guys later!"

Holly's mother happens to work with Dad. Except, she actually takes the weekends off. Holly and I began playing tennis in middle school and we both loved it. Lydia simply likes to tag along, even if she can barely hold the racket.

"Alright, We'll hang tomorrow then," I waved as she let herself out.

I noticed that Lydia was uncharacteristically silent. She was squeezing her favorite plush penguin and had a frown plastered on her face. I used to get hurt by Dad's inattentive tendencies, but at least I'd had Mom to comfort me during my younger years. He'd only gotten worse as time went on.

    "Don't worry about Dad. He's probably just tired, you know how he gets after work." I said awkwardly, not taking my eyes from the screen.

"I know."

I've never been the best with supportive encouragement when somebody is upset. I sadly got that trait from my father. Lydia suddenly perked up when the most exciting part of the movie flashed on the screen, and we promptly forgot about the whole interaction. I guess a superhero movie is the best way to cheer someone up!


Author's Note

It looks like you made it through the first chapter! Don't worry things will start picking up, I'm just building some "characterization" to start this off. I don't know if people still do this author note things... it's been awhile.

Anyway, my actual first chapter is over one thousand words! I'm splitting it up for Wattpad so I can post more frequently. If you guys enjoyed then let me know by voting or commenting! I need to edit this whole story a lot more and I am totally open to criticism!

If anyone truly reads these rambles then thank you! Before I check out, I just want to give a few Instagram shoutouts! I most likely would not have published this chapter if they weren't so encouraging. Writing is typically something I keep private but please check these people out because I am so thankful!!!

(These are art accounts by the way) (I don't know how to directly link them)

@ fangirly_rachel

@ corvus_unmasked

@ unikitty_draws

@ cristaldoodleskies

@ boba.pakaka

And others I'm sure I have forgotten :/

I hope you fellows stick around for more chapters!

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