Chapter Four - The Great Outdoors

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-Author's Note-

Before we dive into the newest chapter I need to apologies for my absence!  I want to be more connected my audience on here and I promise to upload more frequently. I got a little discourage and continued to write story without showing it to y'all. I just thought it was pointless because I don't read on Wattpad myself anymore so why would anyone care about my stuff? However, if I was no publish my story one day (oh and I do) then I need feedback from people who won't protect my feelings! Sorry if you find these rambles annoying sooo here is the chapter!

We had no plan whatsoever. While we stepped on the parking lot, the facts that I'd been shoving to the side finally sunk in. I had just left the only place that was unquestionably safe from the sickness, we had packed little supplies, and I was traveling with people who may not be up to it. I may not be up to it.

Though it was pitch black inside the office, the sun had actually been rising outside. The sky was splashed with beautiful shades of orange tones, as a slight breeze circulating the area.

Carter stretched his arms, eyeing the unoccupied cars in their spots. He peeked inside the window of a freshly cleaned car, searching the interior. He had looked in hopes to find keys in the ignition, clearly considering driving.

"Where are we planning on going?" I asked, following him as he viewed other vehicles.

"Cuba, we can drive to Florida and find a boat from there."

"Do you even know how to drive? Do you understand how long it will take to get from Philadelphia to Florida? Will we be able to make it there in time?" I question.

"It takes around five hours for the disease to set in per state, right? At the moment most of North America is still uninfected. It will eat at all of the people on land before traveling overseas," Carter theorized.

"If that's true then we could possibly make it to Mexico. We wouldn't have to find a boat or anything, and someone there could fly to the islands before it spreads." I pointed out, gazing into an old car.

"It might take too long to make it to any remaining people. The safer bet would be Cuba." He argued, finally finding a usable automobile.

I knew that the main reason that he was so set on Cuba was because that's where his father is. I don't know how to drive a car, much less a boat. What if we get lost at sea or the ship takes on water?

Before I could voice my objections, I'd heard the door to the office building open behind me. Carter had already entered the driver's seat in the beaten down car, and looked at the entrance with surprise.

Lydia had sprinted toward the three of us and had teary eyes. She was carrying her belongings and luckily wore the mask. She crawled into the backseat of the vehicle, quickly buckling in.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demand, placing my hands on my hips just as my mother did when she was angry.

"I'm coming too. I can help, I promise!" Lydia exclaimed, adjusting her gas mask.

I looked at Holly, who simply shrugged sleepily in response. I let out an annoyed sigh, I don't want to be responsible if anything happens to her. Yet, I could understand why she wouldn't want to be left with Dad.

"Fine, it's too late to send you back now," I huffed, entering the passenger seat.

Carter turned the keys that someone luckily had left in the ignition. He seemed hesitant to begin driving and I remembered one important detail.

"Wait, you never answered my question! Do you know how to drive?" I wondered.

"Well, I've got to learn at some point. Might as well be now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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