Chapter Three - The Worst Ride

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"Get in the truck," Dad barked at Lydia and me.

My fist had been clenched to my side as I finally spoke, "No," I said simply.

Dad whirled around from where he was standing in the kitchen. His eyes scanned me, landing on my blank face. I might've been collected on the outside, but I felt myself crumbling under his intense gaze.

My father sighed, leaned against the kitchen counter and ran a hand through his dark hair. He looked tired, scratch that, he looked half dead.

"I promise that I'll tell you girls everything. I just need you two to listen to me right now," Dad stated without wavering.

I grew up with this man, watched him change. I taught myself to never get my hopes up. When it comes to his promises, I've only been let down. Though, something about the severity of whatever was going on made me trust him.

I huffed before nodding in agreement. Lydia too accepted our father's words and sent me a toothy grin. Even Dad was wearing a trace of a smile but it vanished when he seemed to remember what's occurring.

"Luna, go get the Benmarks. Tell them to meet us in the parking lot." Dad directed and I wasted no time entering the elevator.

I was still as confused as ever, but everything is easier with Holly. Maybe Mrs. Benmark can knock some sense into my father. Yet, if Dad really was losing it, why would he want to alert the Benmarks?

I soon arrived at their level and pounded on the wooden door. It opened gradually, and I saw an eye peeking through the crack.

"Oh, it's just Luna!" Mrs. Benmark told her family, pushing the door fully ajar.

"Who else would it be? Do you guys know what's going on?" I asked.

Holly appeared from a hallway leading to her bedroom right as I spoke. She was holding a decently sized violet suitcase. Her eyes were bloodshot and tears were spilling down her face when she saw me.

"I can't believe this is happening," she muttered before hugging me.

I stiffened up at first but soon returned the embrace. Holly is one to be dramatic, but I have a feeling that she isn't playing anything up. Why are they packing too? Where are we going?

"Come on, we can't waste time. Where does your father want us to be?" Mrs. Benmark interrupted.

"He said to meet him in the parking lot," I answered, straightening up.

"Did he pack the food?" she demanded, looking serious.

"Yes, and some bottled water."

Mrs. Benmark seemed pleased with my response and called her other two children. They both entered the elevator with us and there was a tense silence as we rode to the first floor.

My head was spinning, but something was holding me back from saying anything. I knew that the Benmarks were acting strange and it may not be best to bombard them with questions.

We made our way into the parking lot, a dense cloud of dread was hovering over us. I spotted my father and Lydia ushering the group towards Dad's black truck. I saw the cases that my family had pack placed in the tailgate.

Mrs. Benmark too ordered her children to haul their things into the trunk. We all loaded into the vehicle, my father nervously hurrying us along. There weren't enough seats for all of us, and I wondered why we didn't take the Benmark's minivan.

Nevertheless, I shoved into the truck with the rest of the children. The two adults sat in the front, leaving the rest of us in the back. There were five of us in all, trying to fit were only three people should be seated.

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