The Switch

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Hey guys! Thanks for opening my first story on wattpad! Ive made some stories before but this is my first one that I really have a good feeling about! Thanks for reading my short note but here is the very frist chapter of...The Switch.


I woke up to the smell of strong cheap perfume.The only thing that could possibly wear something like that, was my mother."Come on Asia!" (A-Sea-a) my mother whispered in my ear as I squirmed from the bright lights of daylight.I groaned as the warm comforter was ripped from my body, making a slight breeze trickle down my bare arms and legs.My mom giggles as my eyes shoot open to meet her crystal blue ones."Now that your up, you do have school so get dressed now Asia." She said, letting her heels clack as she walked out of my room. I sigh and literally, roll out of bed, landing flat on my feet. i inspect my hair in the mirror and groan. i was a mess this morning. My hair was full of large knots and my eyes were red and puffy from my beatings of yesterday. I cant even count all the bruises i get from the cheer squad anymore. I have at least five on my face and neck and twenty or so on my body differing in sizes based on there power.There are 20 cheerleaders.Thats at least 20 punches in the gut each day all for being the nerd.

I look down but instantly regret it. My stomach was still swollen from when Chelsea shoved her heel into my ribs just for not being able to finish her homework. My lip looked better though. It was slightly purple but not busted anymore. The strange part is my mother never suspects a thing when i come home. She just thinks im being clumsy. Running into doors, or slipping while walking down our driveway. The oldest lies in the book and she believes them.

I shake my head, still not quite understanding. I walk to my closet and pull out random things to cover my body. Ripped black skinnys that were looser at the ankles that throbbed from running. A simple white and black soft fabric stripped jumper that was loose all over. I pulled on my usual black high top converse and pushed my knotted hair into a grey beanie and slipped on my black ray bans to cover my eyes. I felt good but I was gonna get hot here. Stupid Texas weather.

I grab my favorite bag and shove my binder full of last nights homework in it. Its my favorite because the black material has large white letters saying 'The Only Coke I Do Is Diet'.(A/N outfits in external link!) I rush out of my punk rock bedroom and into the modern styled kitchen. It was all fake stuff. on discount or garage slae shit. Nothign of real value. Were not rich or even average. Were below the average pay. We barely get by. I work two jobs each day and on weekends making it hard to keep friends.Which is why I have no friends.

I walk out of the kitchen, deciding no breakfast. I didnt want to throw up when I get my morning punishment for them getting B's on there history homework.

Sienna's POV

I wake up to the usual. Noise. I groan and throw a pillow in the direction of my boyfriend who was on the phone."Shut up Luke." I groan at him.Luke Ryan was the amazing british singer who everyone has a crush on. I was stuck, giving him better image as Sienna Brianne, International pop sensation. Starting off as an orphan to becoming this amazing person. All lies. I wasnt an orphan nor was i an amazing person. I was lieing to fans to get more of them. Thats not what I wanted."Sienna. Yeah baby my fake girlfriend." I heard him whisper under his breathe. i scoff."Not what you screamed last night!" i shouted to him just as the phone erupted into mad howls from whoever his 'baby' was.

I  chuckle and jump out of bed, slipping on his white button up that reached mid thigh. You know? How those girls do in movies? Yeah. My life is one mixed up movie. Its so stupid to be 16 and already worrying to hold a 17 year old boyfriend. His knew girl was probably in her 20's or 30's which is why I came in. To cover the tracks.

I slip over to my over night bag. Managment wanted us to look more like a couple which included spend the nights. He always took the couch though. im definatley not easy. Im not saying im all amazingly pretty or anything its just i know he only wants me for being THE Sienna Brianne. i guess im tired of Being The Sienna Brianne. I want to be just Sienna. The one I was back in LA. Now im in London trying to have a good time. But I cant.

I pull out my simple black skinny jeans that hug my legs tightly making them look longer. i add a grey top with the coke symbal on it in white letters. i slip on yesterdays shoes. These silver, maybe four inch ankle boot heels that have this twisted type look to them. There cool just the heels are really skinny making it hard to walk. Oh well. Might as well look good while being his arm candy right? Right.


So what do you guys think of day 1? Its just kinda an introduction right now. Eventually it will get to be better! Hopefully! Fan/Vote/Comment Please? I really do want some feedback!

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