Day2: First Days

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Asia POV

I walked down the street toward my school. James Madison High School. Im in the 10th grade and completly scared. Scared of the plastics.Scared of Chelsea and the rest of her barbie clique. Is it wrong for them to beat me within an inch of my life? Because by the time they finish with me, Id rather be dead than be in that situation.

I hear the whoops and cheering taunts from the hot pink mustang swerving down the street ahead of me, the orange and nave blue uniforms flashing under the heat of San Antonios beating sun.I felt cool liquid strike my back as the sounds of there rude coments intensified. They had water guns. But it wasnt filled with water."REALLY CHELSEA!? KETCHUP!?" The car stopped immediatley at the sound of my voice. i never talked back. Never.

Chelseas blonde hair flipped back and her silver eyes pierced into mine like bullets. She scowled."What did you just say? Did the loser actually talk? HAHA! You think ketchup on your he worst? You clearly need to be stomped back into your place." She sneered hopping out of the car, two other barbies following behind. They stalk closer to me almost as if I were there next meal. I step back getting prepared to make a run for it. Chelsea smirked and bolted toward me just as I jerked around and ran as fast as I could back towards my home.

They were cheerleaders, of course they would catch me eventually but if I got them tired, the beatings wouldnt be as bad. I felt my lungs slowly drain of all oxygen. I was athletic but this stupid baggy and loose clothing was dragging me down slowly. I saw an allyway near by. i cut across the busy road, hearing the honks of horns as I practically made a suicide attempt. I ran down the ally, climbing over barrels of trash and rubbel. I look behind me slightly. Big mistake. I felt hands wrap around my waist and pull me smacking into the hard cement. I felt the world slowly drift away as the pain melted into numbness.

Sienna POV

I roll the sleeves up on my coke shirt and push my phone into my pocket, walking out of the bedroom, ready to get on a plane back to LA. Man I missed it there. The sun. The boys. The clothes. Gosh.

I walk out of his apartment being swarmed by camera flashes and screaming girls. i smile as best as I could, ignoring the terrible questions being thrown in my face. i just wave and act as if i didnt hear a thing. That was until one question blew me away."Hows Jacob doing!?" A man shouts, holding a large mic up to my face as he was being pushed into me. I freeze, not wanting to talk about Jacob. My Jacob. My everything. My everything that i left back in LA to fend for himself while I was pushed into being Americas Rebel. He was in a band now too anyway. He probably had girls hanging off of his arms right now.......He probably had no idea that i excisted anymore. And I wanted to fix that. I wanted him back so bad.

"Im sorry. I cant answer anything right now." i quickly cover. My lungs wouldnt say anything more as I ran to the awaiting van. The van was opened and I was pulled inside, not waiting for anything else. i just sat and ignored the questions from my driver. i just wanted to be home where I can finally end this fake relationship. i needed a break. I needed something more than this fake stuff. I needed Jacob.

I was pushed through crowds, into the jet waiting. But suddenly I drop to the floor blacking out. the world as I knew it was fading, and i couldnt help but wish I fixed things with jacob before this happened.

The SwitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora