Chapter 11 - The Perfect Moment

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Rest. Eat. Drink. Repeat. I was forced to follow those four blasted words for a whole fucking week. I wasn't allowed to have anyone over. Michael made it clear that this was my time to relax and get better in his words. He constantly checked on me and quite frankly it was getting on my nerves. Today he knocked on my door like normal and like normal I let him in. Our conversation however wasn't normal.

'You awake?' He asked at my door way.

'Yeah.' I said rolling over to face him.

'What's up?' He asked.

'Can I go down to the lounge please?' I asked sitting up in bed.

'Why?' He asked me.

'Because I am bored of my room. Bored of my bed. Bored. Bored. I am just so fuckng bored. I'm cooped up in here and can't leave. You do everything and yeah I'm grateful but I feel so fucking useless. I can't be like this, I can't stay like this. Please let me go down there and do something that isn't sleeping please Michael.' I begged him.

'Are you sure?' He asked me.

'One hundred fucking percent sure.' I nodded. He walked over and held his hand out smiling.

'Okay, plus I think Luke might kill me if I left you in here for another second.' I gratefully took his hand and he helped me to the lounge area. I saw Luke sitting on the couch and a bored expression laid on his face as he was flicking through the channels on the T.V. 'Luke.' Michael said softly and Luke turned his head and his expression went to extremely happy. He jumped of the couch and instantly pulled me into a light yet tight embrace. 'I'll just leave you two alone.' Michael left the room and Luke and I just stood in the middle hugging and holding each other. I never wanted to let him go....ever.

'Are you okay?' He mumbled into the crook of my neck.

'Yeah...I'll be fine.' He lifted his head and just stared into my eyes. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the couch and cuddled up with me.

'I missed holding you. Michael wouldn't let me up on your room.' He said softly, kissing the top of my head.

'I missed holding you to Lukey.' I smiled. We just laid there enjoying each other's company for ages. I felt like this could go on forever. Luke would occasionally kiss me but we our attention was mainly centered on whatever was on T.V. That was until Michael ruined the moment.

'Get a room.' He said jokingly as he walked into the lounge.

'Last I checked this was a room.' Luke smiled. They always fake argued, it was funny.

'Like a proper room with a door.' Michael said plonking down on the arm chair next to the couch.

'This room does have a door though.' Luke said cheekily.

'Whatever man, wanna play a game?' Michael asked Luke.

'Sure.' Luke shrugged. Michael chucked Luke a controller and played COD with him. I just sat in Lukes lap cuddled up against him, laughing whenever Luke would win and Michael would throw a hissy fit. As wierd as it sounds I was comfortable watching these two and if you think Luke would forget I was there well you are mistaken. Every few minutes he would kiss the top of my head. His way of making sure I was still there. This was just what I needed, the perfect moment. I closed my eyes and rested with a smile upon my face.


Michael Cliffords Younger Sister [[m.c & l.h]]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu