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"Michael take your medicine!" Luke yelled from the other side of the table. "NO!" Michael yelled and crossed his arms.

They were both standing oppisite of the table. "It's disguisting! I don't want it!" Michael whined. "Oh fuck me!" Luke groaned trying to give Michael his medicine for 7 minutes straight. "I'd love to Lukey" Michael said and winked. "Only if you take your medicine" Luke said while climbing on the tabble seductively. Michael leaned foreward "..the answer is still no" Michael whispered and chuckled before running of into the hall way.

Luke groaned before jumping of the dinner tabble and taking his spoon and the bottle of medicine with him. Michael had a very high fever and he just wanted him to get better fast.

He ran after Michael who wanted to go into their bedroom and lock the door but he failed. Luke was faster and bargged in the room. Luke closed the door hehind him and walked towards Michael. "..Hey Lucas" Michael said innocently. "Hey Michael!" Luke yelled and gave Michael a push so that he fell onto their bed.

"Luke please!" He said leaning on his elbows. Luke climbed onto Michael's lap so he was forced to stay down.

"Michael i want you to get better" Luke said opening the bottle. Michael fell back down and whined.

"I don't need that medicine to get better" he said again. "You need this Mikey! It'll make it way easier than vitamine pills and all those other stuff" Luke said.

"You're my only medicine Lucas" Michael said looking up at the ceiling.

Luke relaxed for a second and smiled innocently at Michael. "Mikey, that was actually really cute" Luke said and saw Michael roll his eyes but a grin appeared on his face.

Luke put a spoon full of the medicine and held it out to Michael. "C'mon Mikey..pleasse" Luke said pouting. Michael sighed and took the spoon. He lowered the spoon to his lips and swallowed it fast. He then started coughing. "Ew! That's awful!" Michael said. "Still glad you did it" Luke said while grabbing the spoon out of Michael's hand and putting it on the bed side table. "Of course" Michael said.

Luke let himself fall next to Michael on the king sized bed and covered them with the sheets.

Michael then rested his head in the crook of Luke's neck. Usually it was the complete oppisite, but now that Michael was sick Luke didn't mind at all. As long as he was comfortable.

Luke began stroking Michael's blond hair. They were both enjoying the silence.

"Still can't believe you jumped on the tabble for me" Michael said chuckling and breaking the silence. "I needed to do something somehow" Luke responded.

"Soooooo..?" Michael said.

"So what?" Luke asked.

"Can we fuck?" Michael asked.


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