4• The Temple🍒

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Sal's POV

I woke up inside of Larry's room laying on his bed, I looked on the floor to see Larry without a shirt on and boxers. I felt myself blush as I playfully slapped myself. "Come on Sal!" I said to myself. I then saw him groan and rub his eyes, I woke him up... that was a beautiful view. We made eye contact and he blushed immediately. It then clicked what I did last night. "Good morning Larry Face." I said in a raspy voice. "Back at ya blue." I loved it when he called me that, I giggled and rolled off the bed to land on him. "What was that for?!" He asked in pain "I'm not that heavy you twig!" I said laughing at him "Let me get up I need to get dressed!" He said playfully "Fine you horn ball.." I mumbled

I walked to my apartment to get clothes, I was really questioning if Larry liked me back. It was starting to hurt my head. I put on a black shirt sleeved shirt and threw a black sanity falls hoodie over it with light blue jeans, I hear static from my walker talkie "you ready Sally Face?" He mocked, I pressed the button to respond "Yeah" I said in an unamused voice. "I'll meet you in the front" I said.

I walked outside and saw the tall, beautiful figure in the doorway, "Hey fuck-face" I some how got out without stuttering. "Pfft, love you to" He said sarcastically.

We were half way to school as Larry looked over to me "Hey Sal, could I ask you something?" He said shyly, "you just did" I laughed at him "Like really, I need to ask you something.." I looked up at him concerned, did I do something? "Sal...I think it's time I admit, I have loved since I first saw you. And I was wondering if you shared the feeling with me..." I could feel my face heat up and my chest start to pound, "Are you kidding?? Of course I d-"

I blacked out

Larry's POV

"Are you kidding?? Of course I d-" he was cut off by a hit in the head by a bat, I tried to pick up Sal but before I could, the man who hit him in the head took off with him "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I shout running after the figure, I didn't see which way they went. It looked like someone from the cult, "SAL?! SAL?!" I shouted looking throughout the area. I then felt a tickle under my eyes, I was crying. Just as I turned I saw Todd asking what happened. "What's the matter, where's Sal?" He asked concerned "SOMEONE FROM THE CULT TOOK HIM!" I almost screamed, before I could speak anymore, Todd was dragging me back to the apartments. "You go down to the basement and wait for me, I'll get the stuff." The orange haired boy said, I obeyed and say there crying. What was he saying? What are they gonna do to him? All these thoughts passed my head in a panic attack. I heard a ding which clicked me out of my thoughts, Todd exited the elevator with a bag and the Super Gear Boy. He opened the door next to me and motioned me to come in. We ran up to the trap door, "Wait! Do you hear that?" I said as I heard something coming from the door. "Yeah.. come on let's go." He whispered to me, as we opened up the trap door, a cold familiar sent hit me. Me and Todd tip-toed down the creaky stair way trying not to make to much noise. We got down and heard, there was nothing in the entry way but the huge gate way was opened already. We walked through it to Sal laying on a sorta bench or table thing. "Sal!" I almost yelled, Todd threw his hand over my mouth and we hid behind the wall, I then saw the cultist that knocked out Sal next to him, he took off his prosthetic and put it in his coat robe thingy. I was still confused how the cult was still active after we practically killed the red eyed demon. Speak of the devil... literally, the cultist walks out of the room then back in with the red eyed demon, "Todd, didn't your invention kill that thing?!" I looked over at him "Temporarily, I upgraded it though to where it can possibly permanently put it down." He said very quietly, "But I'm going to need you for this..." I looked over at him confused, "I'll be right behind you but you'll need to run up to the demon and press this little red button, here." He pointed at the red, worn out button. "Ok, when?!" I said still panicking they were gonna do something to Sal, they pulled out a brown leather book, the spine look like it was about to break and pages were ripped. "Larry now!" He whispered getting up behind me, I ran up to the demon and cultist with fear. As I aggressively pressed the button I heard a screech come from the demon, and I flinched as Todd stayed behind me. "Uggh, what happened?" I heard the blue haired boy say as he saw me and Todd still having our eyes closed, "Larry, Todd? Why are we in the temple?" I opened my eyes, the cultist turned to.. dust? Leaving Sal's prosthetic on the ground, "Sal? Are you feeling ok?" I said as I ran up to him. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. "Yeah.. my head hurts though." He said in a quiet voice, he didn't mind Todd seeing his face which made me happy. "We should get back home, mind skipping school blue?" I said in a calming voice, I felt his face heat up which was adorable. "Do I mind? Pfft who do you think I am?" Me and Todd laughed at that. I carried Sal back to my apartment and Todd followed. We explained everything that happens to Sal as he was terrified, "I should probably leave, I have things to catch up on." Todd said sadly. "Bummer... bye dude!" I said to Todd as me and Sal hugged him goodbye. "What are we gonna day to my mom?" I asked in a terrified voice. "Hide, don't say anything." He chuckled. "..do you remember what happened before you were knocked out?" I asked very scared for the answer, "Yeah, we were walking to school.. right?" I sighed "y-yeah.." did he really forget? I'll tell him later.. just not now... not now. I started to tear up, "I-I'm sorry did I say something? Larry are you okay?" He says in a loud voice. "Ssh! We don't want mom to know we're here. And yeah I'm just tired.." he knew I was lying but I don't think he bothered to say anything. "Well then let's sleep, my head still hurts anyways." That made me smile, I picked him up "L-Larry!" I threw him on my bed cuddling up next to him, he hugged back and fell asleep immediately. It was adorable.. I wish this lasted forever. Before I fell asleep I took off his prosthetic and looked at his beautiful face, it was so hard not to kiss him. I fell asleep to his snores cuddling him.

{1250 words, criticism please ;^D}

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