Episode IV

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The void was so peaceful and silent, there was no room for emotions other than serenity and calm. It was as if someone has set loose a group of captured mermaids who'd then in turn brought back your tears, but you weren't crying because of being sad or angry, you just felt glad to have that ability once again within your reach. Naoki wanted to stay like that forever and ever.

In the hospital room, the HT was having their tea time to make sure that they'd be there would the boy awaken. In the room next to the pale raven's they heard sounds of dismay and shuddered collectively, it was Hibari once again wasn't it. Sounds of hurried ste- sticks? We're heard and the doublegänger of their newest member bursted in obviously not in a shape good enough to be walking around let alone running. A child sized hitman peeked behind the obviously Sawada Tsunayoshi, only to stare at the group. Rude. Tetsuya put down his cup of darjeeling.
"We're here waiting for out friend to awaken from coma", he said in an even voice, which was caught also by the perfect who was wearing a pajama of all things. The bloodthirsty teen staggered into the room to observe the boy, but was shocked to find out that the patient asleep was nearly identical to his current prey.

"Oda Naoki, 17 years old, comatosed due to sudden pain, potentially a heart attack", the Tenoh Corp heir said as he sensed the question that demanded answer, "So far the doctors haven't been able to identify the root to his sickness especially since he started to showcase the symptoms only a year ago, he was transferred to this city for better health care professionals". Hibari's brow arched as he kept looking between the two, Naoki and Tsuna, but he soon grunted and came to the conclusion that they couldn't be related. As he left the room, he gave one last glance at the unconscious boy.
"Omnivore, you better wake up and get healthy soon so I can fight you."

Tsuna would've stayed in the room tok had it not been for his own friends bursting in and causing Tetsuya to be annoyed over their doings. Gokudera nearly blew the room up, only stopped by Tsuna's pleading and the mention of a comatosed patient who may be harmed by the explosion. Haruka's explanation came once again handy and the silverette withdrew immediately upon the mention of an unknown illness, a struck of grief visible in his own eyes. The room went silent once again and hours passed, the only reason why they were allowed to be there after the visiting hours was due to the Sumiyoshi-Kai practically owning the said hospital. The head nurse was actually Tetsuya's cousin twice removed. As the night fell, another person stepped into the room.

Naoki wasn't sure how long he'd spent in the abyss, but it didn't matter since time had always been meaningless to him. While in the comforting darkness, he was able to look at his own memories and understand better what had happened though he wasn't actively awake nor was he really dreaming. He was just... Remembering. While he was at this odd part time of his, he realised that certain people in HT kept breaking the rule of having jewellery. Tetsuya, Valentino, Suri and Baku all were wearing rings, though they appeared to be family heirlooms. Maybe that was the reason they were allowed? As he was travelling about his own memories, he sensed someone, an intruder, enter his psyche. Intrigued, the boy started to go towards the blue glow.

Yamamoto Tsuyoshi didn't often do favours, but when it came to the Sumiyoshi-Kai and its current heir, he couldn't help but run to their aid as soon as he could. It wasn't often that the group would call him off retirement after all.
And now that he was looking at the pale face of the patient lying on the hospital bed, he had no doubt that answering the hurried call was the right choice. His senses, still sharp like his swords, picked up a disgusting detail that he'd missed previously when meeting the boy in the sushi shop.

"A flame leach." he said with an even voice, which ultimately meant that someone would die and soon. Preferably from his blade. "Someone implanted a flame leach on this boy and it has been slowly eating him from the inside, attaching itself to the flame core, located right next to the heart", Tetsuya's eyes widened at this, there was no way that someone would do that to someone like Naoki. Not unless... "They tried to dispose of him? But why?" elder Yamamoto soared a glance to the heir before he scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? They tried to harmonise with him, but his flames were too strong for them so the threads that were made kept snapping", it made sense in a twisted and horrible way, but to implant a flame leach on someone was too extreme and way too dirty. It would've been more merciful to just shoot him in the head and call it a day. But someone wanted him to suffer.

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