Chapter One

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(Chapter One)

I am Miyoung I'm in eleventh grade, everyone seems to say "this is the best years of our life," let me just say it's living hell. I'm that girl everyone seems to be scared of or think is a bitch 'cause I give everyone the "go-to-hell-look" I don't see it, but it just means less people to deal with, which it's okay with me. I have one friend I've known him since elementary years and he's still by my side, I also go to the same school as my older brother but no one knows were blood related, be­cause his group of friends and him are "mister popular's," they love too boss people around. I walk into first class and catch everyone staring at me like if I'm going to snap at them, I just ignore them all, and make my way to the back of the class when someone sits next to me fast and out of breath. "What's wrong with you?" I ask while looking at Hongki. "They almost caught me." He says while trying to catch his breath. I hear girls starting to talk a lot and some start flirting with someone, I look up to see the four of the popular guys and one of them is my crappy brother. "Ah there you are," Daehyun says while walking over to us. "I told you we would catch him," Himchan the leader of the group says to Daehyun. I stand up and get in front of him, "back off or else," I exclaim while getting in his face. What everyone doesn't know is that I had to learn to fight or Daehyun would beat the crap out of me at home, one time he tried he got beat up bad, and stopped messing with me. "Okay little girl get out of the way or you're getting hurt as well," Himchan says while calling over two of his guys one being my brother who looked scared. "I'm not moving," I say while standing close to my brothers face, "Let's just leave them alone," Daehyun whispers to Himchan. "Are you scared of a little girl?" YoungJae asks teasingly . "No!" Daehyun screams and shoves YoungJae, "Good then take care of her while YoungJae gets Hongki," Himchan says while sitting in the chair next to me. Daehyun puts his hand on my shoulder about to shove me against the wall, but I trip him and shove his face to the ground and sit with my knee in his back. "Guess we still haven't learned our lesson from the first big fight we had huh?" I asking him sarcastically while shoving him hard which makes Himchan jump up while Zelo holds him back. "Get off me now!" Daehyun screams. I get off and sit back in my seat, "Where the hell did you learn to do that?" Hongki mumurs really low in my ear. "I had a brother remember? Beatings every day," I say out loud. It makes Daehyun look away when I say that "Had huh? I guess he was tired of dealing with a girl as crazy as you," Zelo says while starting to laugh. I stand up and I get shoved back in my seat by Himchan, "Well, I guess I know who my new target is, this is what happens when you mess with my group," He says while getting in my face. "Whatever, you can act like you're 'Mr. Popular' bully me all you want but you better stay away from Hongki," I say while shoving his face out of my way. He looks like he's never been shoved before and is standing there in shock. I stand up and start walking away when an arm grabs mine hard, I turn around to meet a very pissed off Himchan. "If you can serve a whole day without getting caught or hurt by one of my guys then I'll leave you alone, but if you do lose this bet then you have to be our girl for a whole year," Himchan challenges me with a smile and goes to his seat that's close to the front. "By the way it starts now," Daehyun informs me while walking passed me. "Good luck, Girly." YoungJae says while walking passing me. "Aww, sad we have to mess up a pretty face but it's okay noona when you're ours will treat you better," Zelo says while getting closer but gets pulled away by Daehyun, drags him back to his seat.

Class was over and now was lunch I wasn't really hungry so, I just sat in the back waiting for Hongki, I look up and see my brother and Himchan making their way to me. "Crap," I mumble. "Ah, look she's all alone in the back," Himchan says with a smirk. "What do you want now idiot?" I ask while standing up to walk away but, I get pushed back in my seat by Daehyun. "We're just reminding you that by the end of today you will be serving us," Himchan says while sitting next to me. "Great, well you both have fun doing what you do," I say while standing up. I start walking and get outside in the courtyard when I feel someone shove me towards the back of the school. "What the hell!" I scream and I see my brother with a pissed off look, "Get your hands off me!" I growl in a low tone. "You're really going to get hurt you know!" Daehyun says while looking at me. "Wow, I never thought I would see the day when my big brother would warn me and help me," I say sarcastically. "Just shut up! Just back out of the deal or Himchan is gonna make sure you get it good!" He screams at me which kind of freaks me out. "I won't lose so don't worry. It's not like you really care," I say walking away but he grabs my hand to stop me. I turn around and see him looking at the ground, "God, I'm gonna regret this. I'll take care of you when I get home," He whispers low, but I have no idea what he is talking about, but the next thing I know is I see his fits hit me in the face, my head just hit the brick building hard and I was out.

[6 hours later]

I try and open my eyes and I see I'm in my bed room, I try to sit up but pain rushes too my head and I groan in pain. My mother walks in with a smile on her face "Ah, you're awake, do you remember anything?" She asks while looking at the cut on my face. "Yes, kinda that stupid brother of mine was listening to his leader of his group and punched me. Then I hit the wall and all goes black." I say while holding my head. "That boy! He said you just ran into the wall. DaeHyun!!" My mother screams and I just grab my head fast 'cause I have a massive headache. He walks in slowly not ready for what she's going to say, "You want to rethink your story?" She asks him. "Uh, well I guess she already told you. So, what more is there to say," He says while shrugging his shoulders at her. "God, you guys just why can't I have two kids who like each other and don't fight!" My mother screams again. "Yah, my head is pounding stop screaming." I say while hiding my face in my pillow. "Here take this stupid thing, Hongki keeps blowing it up and so does your new master," Daehyun says while throwing my phone at me. "You gave him my number!" I scream while sitting up and start hitting with the pillow hard. "Stop it, you two! I swear I'll lock your hands in handcuffs if you two don't cut this crap." My mother says while leaving the room. Daehyun just looks at me then pulls out his phone, "Hyung, she's awake; yeah I'm a family friend so her mom let me in." He says while talking on the phone. "Get this idiot out of my room before I jump him this time!" I scream and he covers my mouth so my mom won't come back. "He wants to talk to you," Daehyun says while handing me his phone. "What the hell do you want?" I ask coldly. "Ah, I see you're still as rude as ever, well starting tomorrow you're ours. Got it!" Himchan says on the other line. "Oh no, she can't go to school till next week," Daehyun says while snatching his phone back. "Well then, I guess, we will just be visiting her a lot this week." Himchan says to him. "Oh okay, well I'm leaving so I'll let you go. Bye!" Daehyun says while hanging up the phone. "Well, I guess they get too see where brother and sister after all huh?" I say rhetorically. He looks at me then at his phone, "Crap! I forgot!" Daehyun exclaims while running out of the room. "So, I guess hell starts tomorrow," I mumble low to myself when my phone goes off. "Hey, I can't really talk I'm hurting," I say to the phone. "I know, but I just had to make sure you were alive after what your brother did," Hongki says while sounding worried. "I'm okay, mom will ground him knowing her" I say with a smirk on my face. "Good, umm, Miyoung do you know who enrolled back in school today?" Hongki says really low. "I guess someone we know 'cause you don't sound happy." I say while getting worried. "Yeah, he is someone I don't get along with. It's L.Joe. He was also hanging out with Himchan" He says really low. Why is he back? He moved far away for a new start. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night, Oppa." I say then hang up fast. Great if he's hanging out with them I'm going to become a nobody to him.

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