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Chapter 7 

I'am standing in front of the mirror looking at my new uniform, "it looks nice." I hear someone say behind me I look up in the mirror and see everyone. "What are you all doing here!" I scream seeing all seven guys in my room, "I told them to wait downstairs but nooo you never listen to me!" Daehyun says loud in the back of the group. "I brought my car so where all taking you!" YongGuk says while holding his keys up. "Oh I'am driving!" Zelo screams grabbing the keys and running. "Let's go party!" Himchan screams running out too. "Yah! Give me the keys!" YongGuk screams chasing after them, "lets go." YoungJae says while pushing us out of my room. We all pack into the car which was hard I had to sit on my brothers lap cause he got mad when YoungJae and Jongup fought over which lap I sit in, we pull up and they park the car and all of them get out like there parents "you guys can go." I say low while having people watch us and freak when they see the group. "No! First your lunch." L.Joe says while handing it over. "Um thanks oppa." I say while grabbing it. "Hug noona!" Zelo screams running up to me and picking me up. "If you wanted her to get noticed by everyone mission done, now leave before the head group comes!" Changjo says while pushing L.Joe to the car. "Oppa go! Hurry I don't wanna get caught!" I scream shoving Daehyun and Himchan to the car. "Fine but where taken days and we will each take you two at a time." Himchan try's to say while trying to turn around but I keep shoving him. "Deal!" I scream waving bye too the car, I start walking to the school when they all scream "we love you!" I turn and glare at them. "Aish.. There gonna get me labeled already..." I say low. "Ah it's okay.. I'am not cool but I get by." Changjo says while we walk into the school but where stopped by a group of guys. "Hyungs your scaring her!" Changjo says loud. "Oh where sorry, you may not remember us but we use to hang out with L.Joe." A guy with medium hair says. "Oh!! Niel!" I scream while jumping up and down excited. "Ah she remembers me!" He says with excitement jumping with me. "Sh! Hyung she was labeled at her old school and got bullied bad.. L.Joe says to keep her away from the popular kids." Changjo says with a smile. "Yah! I'am her Oppa! Not a creep!" Niel screams. "Noona we won't hurt you pinky promise!" A guy with his hair slicked back said with much excitement. "Ha! She doesn't remember you." Changjo says with a smirk. "Yes I do! Ricky right?" I ask unsure cause he changed a lot. "Yes!" He says while jumping up and down. "The last two who are doing homework are Chunji and Cap right?" I ask looking at the rest. "You know L.Joe is gonna kill you for telling us she's here." Chunji says with a smirk. "That's why he won't find out." Changjo says with a smile. "Smile!" Niel screams making everyone take a picture even me,"and send!" Niel says low. "Now your dead." Ricky says walking away. "Omo!" I say as I look at my phone and L.Joe is calling me. "Aish.. Hi.." I say as I answer the phone. "You are not allowed to hang out with them unless your with me!" L.Joe screams. "Shh!! Oppa's will hear you!" I scream. "To late! Hand the phone to Changjo!" Himchan screams. I just hand the phone over while everyone just watches with smiles, "hello?" Changjo says. "Miyoung is still our girl even being in a different school you all keep your eyes and hands off!" Himchan screams which we all hear. "Yah oppa I'am not yours!" I say low in a loud voice on the phone. "Miyoung don't start.." He says in a low voice, "ugh! None of you talk to me the rest of the day!" I scream and hang up the phone and walk straight into the office. "I need to gives these papers to someone, I'am the new student." I said and look up to see a student behind the desk. "Oh.. Um sorry wrong area." I say then look around seeing it the right place, "your in the right area I'll give these to the office lady and she'll get your times table." The guy says with a big smile, hmm he's cute no! You have enough drama. "Thanks." I say while bowing then sitting down and waiting. "I'am Sam what's your name?" The guy ask from behind the desk. "Miyoung don't run away again! Hyung will kill us more me tho.." Changjo says while thinking hard. "As you can see my name is Miyoung." I say smiling back at Sam. "We'll I have your times table and it looks like your in my class, do you want me to show you." He asks. "I would say yes but I know my oppa's and they have spy's all over this school watching me. It's for your own good to stay away from me.." I say taking the tables from his hand and looking down. He grabs my hand and pulls my chin up "I can handle myself don't worry, but I'll just meet you in class since you sound like you care." Sam says while walking out of the office leaving me there shocked. "I told.. And took a picture.. Sorry noona but its for your good.. That's the popular group." Changjo says and I just look at him with a blank face unknown what to say about everything that just happen.

Bullied By Love (BAP,Teen Top,LUNAFLY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora