Chapter 12 SHOCK

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Chapter 12

I'am laying in the living room with Daehyun when the phone ring "hello?" I say. "Noona come to the hospital.." Zelo says low, "sir please let us treat your leg it's bad." Someone says in the background. "I don't care! Go save Himchan hyung!" Zelo screams, I just drop the phone and run to grab my shoes and running out the door without knowing Daehyun was following me. We get to the hospital and see the group standing in the waiting room with long faces, "what happen!?" I scream running up to everyone. I see Zelo in a wheel chair with a sad look on his face, I bend down and look him in the eyes "hyung saved me.. They say he doesn't have much time left.." He says low. "He wants to see you." Daehyun says while pushing me into the room, he looks dead already "oppa..." I say with tears falling. His eyes open and shows a weak smile "Mi... Come here." He says in a weak voice. I walk over and stand next to him "Miyoung I know I treated you bad at first but know I will always love you.. Just make sure everyone is fine when I'am gone.." He says with tears falling. "Oppa no please you can't.. you can't leave me yet all of us.. We still need you.." I say while crying hard now. "Mi I'll always be with you guys.. Here." He says while pointing to my heart. "I love you Miyoung till.. time it's self will end...." He says but then goes limp and his heart line goes flat. "Oppa!!! No!! Wake up please we need you!! Oppa!" I scream falling to the ground crying hard while everyone ran in and just stood in shock while I kept screaming.

(One Month Later)

It's been a month since everything happen everyone is still lost and they cry but just not in front of others, I'am sitting in my room Daehyun has been staying at YongGuk house all the time now. My mom is away on business so I haven't talked to her in awhile. It's just been lonely and it's getting to be to much, "love?" I hear someone say but didn't hear it well to know who it was, "why are you in the dark?" Zelo asks while sitting in front of me. "Just feeling lonely.." I say low while looking down. Zelo sighs and pulls my chin up "baby if your lonely tell me and I won't spend all my time with the guys, your brother said you wanted to be alone.." He says while hugging me. "No I don't wanna be alone.. as long as its just you." I say while kissing his cheek. He looks shocked crap we haven't kissed yet... "Again!" Zelo says while pulling me in I just laugh and we kiss on the lips for the first time, he then pulls my head in to deepen the kiss. We pull back and you can see his lust full eyes "your alone right?" Zelo ask while laying me down, I shake my head yes and he gets on top of me and we start making out leading to much more.

(Daehyuns POV)


Where all sitting at lunch when I see Miyoung walking over with Teo and laughing hard while he held her waist, I look at Zelo who looked like he was about to jump Teo. "Miyoung isn't feeling well she almost passed out in class." He says while sitting at the table, we all look at her with worried eyes "lets go to the nurse." YoungJae says while standing up about to take her. "No oppa I'am fine really!" She says with a big smile. He turns and sits back down when we hear a *BANG* we all turn to see Miyoung passed out. "Damn it!" Zelo screams picking her up, "we don't have time for the nurse now!" Jongup says while helping Zelo. "Let's take my car." YongGuk say while standing up and all us following. We arrive at the hospital they take her back and do test on her, we all wait in the waiting room when a nurse comes out "family of Miyoung?" I stand up and walk over to her with Hongki. "The reason she passed out was cause she hasn't been eating much and while she's eating for two it's important to eat a lot." She says but she said two when Miyoung is one person? "Um did you say two?" Hongki asks what I was thinking. "Yes? She's going to have a baby.. You didn't know? Oh god I'am sorry." She says while bowing and walking away fast. I turned around slow and glaring at Zelo "don't do something stupid." Hongki says while holding my arm. "Yah! Zelo your dead!" I scream running over to him he looked scared as hell, he should! The guys hold me back an inch away from him "she's having a baby! You did this!" I scream while being held back. "What?.." Zelo asks with the most shocked look ever.. Shit he didn't know...

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