4 - Conundrum

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Dumbfounded, Melinar stared at the strange objects on the table. These couldn't be tevisrals... They were unlike any tevisral Melinar knew of, and he had heard plenty of tales from his father. But the disc was glowing, and when objects glowed it often meant magic flowed through them.

Why would they put tevisrals inside a statue? Melinar wondered. It didn't make any sense to him.

Shaking off his perplexity, Melinar returned to the unfinished scabbard. The currier's warnings repeated in his mind as he worked. Soon, only the lightstone lanterns lit the workshop. He worked until he was satisfied with the detailing on the scabbard. Melinar ran his fingers across the scabbard's stony surface, studying the curve to make sure it was consistent.

Good, he thought. Now all that was required was polishing.

As Melinar placed the riffler on his worktable, the side door to his workshop opened.

"I take it you're not hungry," he heard his wife's voice.

Veydina stood in the doorway, her arms folded. Curly sandy blonde hair hung to her folded arms. Her thin lips were pursed and her pale brown eyes stared at him questioningly.

Dinner... he bemoaned, guilt welling in his throat.

"The children and I have already finished," Veydina said, her tone flat. She sighed once before continuing. "I know you're almost finished with this statue, but I think you should pace yourself. If you work too hard you'll only burn yourself out..."

Melinar stared at her, blinking several times. How had he forgotten about dinner? Was he in shock over the incident with the weapons? Those questions gave him pause.

"Are you alright?" Veydina asked.

"No..." Melinar muttered, reaching toward a polishing cloth. His hand however, fell short.

Veydina's demeanor softened and she stepped into the workshop. Concerned, she caressed Melinar's shoulder. "What happened?"

Unsure of what to say, Melinar did his best to describe the incident with the currier. To his surprise, Veydina hadn't seen the bursts of light. She must have been in a different part of the house, as many of the windows along the home's rear had a view of the workshop and its nearest window.

Intrigued by Melinar's tale, Veydina eyed the table with the sphere and disc. "They must be tevisrals," she said. "But why... why would someone from Alath hide tevisrals inside this statue?"

Though he had wondered the same, hearing the question only made Melinar wary of the answer.

"I think you've had enough excitement for oneday," Veydina said. "Come inside. You can resume in the morning."

Authors' Note:

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