7 - A New Commission

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A New Commission

A knock drew Melinar from the conversation with the statue of his grandfather.

"Melinar, Veydina said you were in here. May I enter?" Though the voice was muffled behind the door, Melinar knew it was Overseer Belyn.

Why was she here, he wondered. Had the currier notified her and the others of the delivery?

"One moment," Melinar hollered, then glanced back to the statue.

Melthas's stony visage had since resumed its original pose, but left the weapons in the scabbards. The sight of the statue resuming its stoic demeanor pleased Melinar. He had captured his grandfather's character.

The door creaked open, and the overseer entered the workshop. Overseer Belyn was a mature woman with light brown hair and streaks of gray. She was short, and slender. Her face was wrinkled, but was probably once beautiful.

"I am impressed, Melinar," she said, gazing at the stilled statue. "This is the epitome of grandeur. But I wouldn't expect any less after two years of hard work."

"Thank you, Overseer," Melinar bowed.

Belyn picked her way across the shop, stopping beside the statue and its pedestal. She grazed her aged fingers across the cool stone, nodding. "This will do nicely." The overseer then turned toward Melinar. "You have crafted a beacon of remembrance. Do you think you can make another?"

Another statue of my grandfather? Melinar wondered.

"Not of Melthas," Belyn said. "We wish to have other statues commissioned. The rest of the Fathers of Freedom, starting with Kandish Loush. Would you be interested, Melinar?"

Melinar couldn't help but think of the request implied. Would we be crafting bodies for more mis'thralim, as Melthas's statue had called them?

"I would be honored," Melinar said.

"Very well," Belyn smiled, then marched to the door. "The council will want to meet, especially since this statue is finished. You'll be receiving a summons shortly."

With that, Overseer Belyn strode out of the workshop.

Smiling, Melthas closed the door. Not only would he be known for his exquisite details, but Melinar would be the man who would bring forgotten heroes back from the grave. He would immortalize them not only as art, but as eternal protectors.

The End of

Melinar, the Stonemason

Authors' Note:

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