Don't let the Hermes cabin show campers youtube videos...

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AN: Hi demigods! I just wanted to thank everyone who read, commented and/or voted for my story!!!!! I'm so happy!!!

One failed attempt at gardening later (this is why not to befriend persuasive children of Demeter, who want to "have fun since were friends".), I walked down to the mess hall avoiding weapon bearing campers. Several newbies bandage or ice fresh cuts all over their bodies,  perfect example why we need to start enforcing wearing armor while dueling. I narrowly dodge a misplaced spear being carried by a girl who i can assume is in the Hypnos cabin by her tired expression, thermos of coffee in her left hand, and polka dot print pajama pants.

I continue strolling down to the mess hall when Amara, the girl who got claimed by Aphrodite at archery jumps up right beside me. She's slightly panting and her hair is windswept, so she clearly beat the live makeshift demigod obstacle course.

"Hi! Im Amara, you probably know from archery. So Im new, and most of my cabin is acting weird, so can I sit with the Hermes cabin?" She then re-applies an artificial candy scented lipgloss and returns it to her pocket in one swift movement. I've never understood the point of lipgloss. It makes your lips look saran wrapped, and it tastes awful.

Word of advice, never try to taste lip products of any type. It resulted in a very long lecture from Malcolm of the Athena cabin.

"You eat with your cabin members. The Hermes table is already full with the new unclaimed people who arrived today. And I also dont want you there because you're Aphrodite's daughter" I say the last sentance in my head. People always say I'm like a daughter of Aphrodite, so, I figure if I have nothing to do with them, people will drop the idea.

Amara nods her golden brown hair and hops off towards her table, also known as the table where outsiders go deaf from listening to squealing, fangirling demigods.

While walking towards the fire to sacrifice my food, as some of my brothers and their friends are having a twerking contest, i overhear snippets from the conversations.

"Butch! You are being so stubborn! If you like Lou Ellen then ask her out!"

"Lacy! Please don't tell her about the-you-know-what!"

"Why are you friends with Nyssa if you despise her so much?"

"WAIT WHAT? SHE DUMPED YOU? THAT TANAKA PUNK IS SO DEAD!" (I wonder who might be saying this.... hmmmmm...)

Now, in case you thought i didn't seem like a haughty prissy Aphrodite kid, gossip is my cardio.

I get treated unfairly for that reason, but in my defense, once you have been pulled in to the gigantic mysterious portal of doom of gossip, its an endless pit with no escape.

A spot opens up at the fire. I take the slice of bread and watch it dance with the flames.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot to pray.

"Um dear dad, this sacrifice is for you being my dad? Letting me be alive?" I only even sacrificed to him because you're supposed to sacrifice to your godly parent, or your get like, vaporized or turned into a dust bunny.

It's no secret that dad prefers my brothers over me, like how Apollo's favorites are all boys, or Demeter has more female children. Its all about the gender of your godly parent, i guess, but I still find it extremely unfair. I tried telling my friend Kendra, a daughter of Hecate, but she didn't pay attention to my rant probably since her godly parent is a woman. She is so lucky. Also, since Hecate is goddess of magic, she can perform small spells, which is a lot better than my list of powers. (Lock picking, flying but my brothers hog the magic shoes, and theft abilities. Most of my siblings can teleport, but that's only if they're blessed by dad.)

I make my second sacrifice, this time using my own food instead of what I stole from Cecil.

"And lady Artemis, please help me gain the respect of my brothers and the other boys here, and please help me prove to them I could kick their twerking asses." (Chris had come back to camp this year with a new dance move to teach, and a video to show camp and ever since then, most of my siblings twerk randomly. They have scarred many innocent children for life)

Never. Ever. Ever. Let the Hermes cabin show you a video on youtube, unless you want to go blind from being extremely mentally scarred.


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