We have a question

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So I know that we haven't updated in a looooooonnnnnnngggggggg time, but we promise more will be coming out. One of the reasons for such is that we've ran into a issue for characters. We will be incorporating Lyon into the story and he's going to have a love interest. We weren't really vibing any of the ships we saw online so after some deliberation (and weird internet searches) we decided that we are going to let you guys create the looks/ design of the character. We have her personality set in stone, but we just need help with design & stuff. The character is female, just to specify. We love you guys so much and we are so exited for this OC. We might even write her into some other stories we are writing (I know there aren't any besides this one rn, but believe us when we say that we are writing some others).

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