I've Been Tagged! :O

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Hi I was tagged for a thing.
Here are ten things about me;

1. I shattered my phone this morning so I can barely read the screen.

2. I'm friends with these chill (not really...) people: goth-bunny, axlsspandex, Izzysleatherpants, axlslittlebitch, NIRVANA-BEATLES and UltimateFanSquirrel. fucking follow them XD

3. I love Tim Burton movies, which is obvious.

4. I'm bisexual but into free love.

5. My favorite bands are Guns N' Roses, KISS, Fleetwood Mac, Boston, Santa Cruz, Slash's Snakepit and Bob Marley & The Wailers (and now Mötley Crüe...)

6. I have autism, face blindness, ADD, agoraphobia, anxiety and palilalia (I mouth the words to myself after I've said them sometimes. It's not a thing I have an urge to do, it's an unconscious action).

7. I was technically diagnosed with depression but those feelings were caused by a physical health problem that I now have under control. :)

8. I have a weird formation of freckles on my neck that make a triangle on each side.

9. I have scoliosis but it's not bad enough for my family to do anything about.

10. I might have synesthesia, but sometimes it's stuff other than colors so maybe?

The thing is, I don't know 28 people on Wattpad and the people I do know have already been tagged besides one person. So, UltimateFanSquirrel  I tag you. See you on tomorrow and Friday, Mistah Trout! XD

Alright so in my programming class we go around in a circle and say our sprint plans (what we're doing that day). We pass around a rock named Kevin that's covered in tin foil so I'm calling it the Kevin Tag.

I'm so glad you asked for a joke, I know a really good one! So this guy is driving at night and his car brakes down. The monks nearby tell him he can stay the night at the monk temple. They feed him and bathe him, and when he sleeps he hears this 'thump. Thump. Thump.' He asks the monks what it is but they said: "I'm sorry but you have to become a monk to know." So the man spends the next 50 years becoming a monk, doing all the training. He comes back to the temple and they show him a door. He enters and walks down a hallway to see 3 more doors. He follows his training and chooses the left door. He finds 2 more doors, and uses his studies to determine he should use the door on the right. He opens it and sees 5 doors. He picks the middle and inside he sees.......

I'm sorry I can't tell you, I'm not a monk and neither are you.

The worst/best spoiler I can give for my Staxl fic, This World Isn't For Us is that if you thought it was bad now, all hell's gunna break loose.

Thanks for reading about me and some other stuff, have a great day!

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