Letters Tag

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Salutations, Good Eggs! I'm not feeling very good today so let's just get right to it. Thank you axlslittlebitch for tagging me.

Dear Ex: I'm sorry that distance drove us apart, but I'm glad we're still friends. Summer Camp was really fun, but btw I found out I'm aromantic.

Dear Self: Listen to your friends, it will get better. Hey, yes, I see you, stop picking!

Dear Crush: I love the band T-Shirts you wear every day, I think you're smoking hot, your hair is amazing and even though I'm aromantic I still want to be friends and I wanna fuck you but I'm not sure it's okay to ask, and I'm way too shy.

Dear Mom: I love you so much and I thank you for being my best friend through my whole life. I'm very appreciative for having you as my mom. I know it's hard right now, but I promise that it's going to get better.

Dear Dad: Thanks for trying to understand how I am and respecting it when I needed space. I love you.

Dear School: I hope we aren't threatened anymore, please start being more structured about everything and for FUCKS SAKE, please please please, get better WiFi.

Dear Siblings: Older sister, I'm so happy your moving closer to home but I wish it wasn't by these circumstances. Younger sister, I know that you have a lot of anxiety right now (it kinda runs in the family) but please stop screaming every day, it doesn't help and all you're doing is upsetting everyone else and scaring the dogs.

Dear Past Me: Toddler me, I know the world seems scary and overwhelming right now but you'll adjust eventually. Be thankful for mom, she's trying to help a lot. Kid me, stop saying cringey/borderline sexist things. I know you don't know better but trust me, you're going to regret it later even though nobody remembers but me. Preteen me, I know everyone grows distant, but trust me, your going to find these WICKED AWESOME people on Wattpad and Mistah Trout in a few years. There's a few bad things that are going to happen then, too, but these people are going to help you.

Dear Future Child: I'm not sure if I'm going to have a kid in the future but hey, I'm going to try my damndest to make you a good person.

Dear Person I Hate: I don't want to interact with you at all because you can't decide whether you want to be nice or a superficial bitch. And for fucks sake, sToP bRaGgInG aNd TaLkInG aBoUt HoCkEy, NoBoDy CaReS.

Dear Person I Love: I don't know who exactly you are yet (I sure hope it's my crush), but I trust that you understand later that I'm aromantic but I still want a companionship and a sexual relationship with you. I just hope you we're good for each other and we can care for each other the way we both need it, even if the way I need it sometimes is a bit unconventional.

Dear Ex Best Friend: I know we're drifting apart but I'm happy we're at least still friends and keep in touch. Please, let's have a sleepover soon. I miss talking with you in person and teasing you about cApTaIn AmErIcA!

Dear Celebrity Crush: You are so fucking hot and I want to fuck you and cuddle with you and do cute shit together. Your laugh is wonderful and I think you look so sexy in your makeup, and super sexy when you're playing guitar. I just wanna watch you play the guitar because you get so into it.

Dear People Who Hate Me: I'm not sure who you are or how I've wronged you, but I'm sorry if I've hurt you, and I wish I could make things right. I've never meant to hurt anyone in my whole life and I didn't start with you. I'm sorry.

Dear Bestie: I can't wait for Thursday after lunch and Friday, where I can fangirl to you over rock stars. I'll try not to distract you too much but you know it's very difficult for me not to talk.

Dear Friends: You guys are fucking awesome. I love all of you so much and I'm thankful for you being in my life. BTW, i WiLL nEvEr LiKe MoTLeY crUe but try all you want to pull me to the Dark Side.

You guys know the drill by now. UltimateFanSquirrel .

Bye! -Sunshine

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