~Part 2~

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T/W: Self-harm. But you can read the chapter, there is a trigger warning line right before and after it starts talking about that kind of stuff.

A/N: I'm not that experienced or anything with cutting or anything of the sort. I'm sorry if I get anything wrong; it's my fault and I will be more than willing to have constructive criticism on any mistakes I may have made. I'm not trying to lessen anyone's experience with self-harm by my possible ignorance, and I apologize if I offend anyone.

~Y/N's POV~

You finally managed to focus on your work, even though it was much harder without your Squip and you were really behind. Tapping away at your computer, you can't help but think of him. Maybe if he were still around you could have figured out how he worked. You weren't that interested before he died, but now it feels almost something you have to do in his honor. It's impossible to describe it any other way.

For example, why does Mountain Dew Green activate it and Mountain Dew Red deactivate it? How does it not get dissolved in your stomach acid? How does it get through your stomach lining? How does it know where to go? If it connects to only one tiny part of your brain, how does it know everything in your mind? How does it have emotion? What happens to the actual computer once it gets deleted?

That last question makes you stop in your tracks. Where does it go? You assume that it stays there, it's just turned off. If that's the case, maybe you could turn him back on!

Your realization urges you to go do something, to try anything that might save him. In other words, you jump out of your chair, banging your knees against the edge of your desk and tipping over your chair. In response, you fall back onto what you hoped what was your chair but turned out to be thin air, banging yourself up even further by landing on a tipped over chair.

"Shit!" you hiss in pain, getting the attention of your mom in the other room.

"Are you okay?" she calls out to you.

"Uh, yeah!"

"Done with homework?" Well, you weren't actually done with it, but emotionally, you were so over it.


"Well, in that case, let's have that discussion we talked about before." Crud. Time to meet your untimely demise. "Meet me in the living room."

You trudge over to the couch. In a moment, she sits down beside you. Suddenly, a grin plasters itself onto her face.

"What's up?" you ask, confused as hell.

"I need your advice!"

"Uh, with what?" You are incredibly relieved that she isn't about to give you a lecture about safe sex and why not to do drugs or drink alcohol. It's not like you'd actually do drugs or drink alcohol, it would have completely messed up your Squip. Not that it matters anymore... You even have some serious doubts with the half-plan to get back your Squip. He's deleted. His code is gone, and there is no ctrl-z button.

"So what do you think?" You flash back to the present, where your mom had just been talking about whatever she needed advice with. She's grinning like a two-year-old.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?"

"Hard to believe, I know. But it's true! Do you think I should get it or not?"

"No, I mean, I kind of zoned out there. Could you actually repeat that?" Her smile doesn't falter.

"There was this new guy. At work. You know how hard work is."

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