Drabble: Legacy

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Author's Note: Before we start the regular story, here's another drabble about a past moment, and the first of many than centers around maybe the best character I've ever written for...Joey Drew. Alongside Henry, of course :3c I have a lot of very specific headcanons/AU traits that I worked really hard on, and so I hope you enjoy these characters.

The location of this part is based on Mackinaw Island, Michigan.

As a note, Henry is Asian American. The art is by me and please ignore the fact I drew his head too big so he looks like a baby. 

A second note! My interpretation of Joey actually was popular even before my fic was! If you're on tumblr, you might have seen him! His nickname is Gingie and I have a whole tag for him at:



Henry could hardly see through the slits his eyelids made, fighting almost in vain to keep them open at all as wind and his bangs whipped about vigorously. His stomach ached as it rammed into the railing with the bouncing ferry. Whose idea was it to ride to the island on the upper deck of the ship? Joey, of course; Henry had planned on sitting in the peaceful inner chambers, sketching the waves as they lapped up towards the window. Henry supposed that was a good representative of the distinction between he and his business partner, the contentment of serenity as opposed to jumping into the eye of the storm.

Not that Henry wasn't enjoying himself anyway, of course.

He let a smile creep his lips only to fall as he heard a shrill, familiar yelp. The young man turned his head to investigate. What is that over there, a large cloud-?

His eye was besieged once more by a flash of cream accompanied by a soft but firm blow. Fortunately, the rail of the upper deck prevented a flailing Henry from tumbling overboard, but he felt his raised hand graze against something. Instinctively, fingers clasped down and met a texture firm yet smooth like cloth. His poor, poor eyeballs eventually gathered the might to open once more and inform him it was exactly that- cloth.

A hat, to be precise, and its owner was standing in front of him, grin as wide as its brim.

"Joey, what made you think that wearing this on a boat would be a good idea?" Henry really meant the question, but it was one inevitably soaked with the care and amusement of the most substantial friendship he ever had. As such, Mr. Drew simply let out an enthusiastic chuckle, the wrinkles near his eyes more prominent as the corners of his mouth pushed upward. The marks of decades of laughter had imprinted themselves upon the cartoonist's face, proof that some people only grow more beautiful with age.

"Good catch, my boy!" Joey's voice rang, muted like bells clinking in a wind tunnel as it struggled to be heard. How utterly ridiculous the studio director was, Henry realized once again. Mr. Drew was an individual of short stature- even shorter than himself, and Henry wasn't exactly what Americans considered to be tall. His usual "public" attire was replaced by what could only be considered its vacation counterpart, wrapping around his figure with the breeze. It was a light peachy-pink suit, brown and cream highlights in the tie and pocket handkerchief reminiscent of shells. But if it was a suit meant to match their nautical circumstances, it certainly wasn't working. Definitely much more to fit whimsy than function.

A playful glint shone from Joey's gaze as his hat returned to his head, informing Henry that this was exactly what he wanted.

"I knew what I was getting into, Henry! It'll be worth it!"

Ah yes, Henry would have to continue to trust his friend till the end with this. He had been asking himself the whole time why he didn't ask Joey more than a few questions about where he was taking them and why; it probably made sense to assume that- well- Joey would just say so. But Joey wasn't like other people, was he? Henry's almond eyes squinted just a bit more as he let out a soft exhalation of a laugh. He should have known. Just as Henry was a little too passive, Joey was a little too adventurous, but neither of them seemed to mind in the end.

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