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«I'm not fine ~ It's okay to not be fine»


Yoongi's pov

"Take care son" mum said as she hugged me for the million time

"I will" I said and then took my two bags and went out


There are furniture in the apartment already I just put my clothes and important things

Then I went to sleep


Later that night

I was on my laptop searching for work

Then I saw an advertisement

Bighit : If you're talented in singing , rapping , writing songs , dancing ...
You can come now , the auditions will begin very soon

'I'm not good enough for this' I thought and scrolled down

'I can try right?'
'no I won't succeed'

I shrugged it off and I scrolled down

My phone buzzed

-How are you


-What are you doing ?

Searching for a=
job on the internet

-Ohh .. I can search
with you if you want

No thank you=

When are you =
planning on telling
me who you are ?

-I don't know actually

I closed the phone and went to take a shower

Then I got dressed and went down the street searching for a job

I need the money and besides , I'm graduating this year so I have to find a job though

Third person's pov

That girl would text Yoongi everyday , she would ask him how is he , what is he doing and Yoongi was getting used to it



-Tell me your story

Why would I=

-I'm sorry it's non
of my business ,
sorry for asking


-Can i call you Min Min ?



I don't like nicknames=

-But your name on ig is agust d , that's a nickname !!!!!

Ughhh I know but=
I don't want a stranger
to make a nickname
for me

She didn't reply , Yoongi thought that he was very rude


-Min Yoongi


-What have you
been up to lately ?


-Min Yoongi don't
say that , please
don't hurt yourself
again please

I was kidding but=
death is something
that I think about ,

And what's with=
the formality ?

-You don't like a
stranger to make
you a nickname so
it's better to be
formal with you

Just call me Yoongi=

What should I call you ?=

Stranger !!?=

-Yeah okay that's fine

(2:41 a.m)

(4:57 a.m)

(6:03 p.m)

-Please text me
back if you saw it
(7:58 p.m)

-You make me worry
(9:36 p.m)

I was at my mother's=
house .. Visiting
her , chill
(12:08 p.m)

-Yoongi , you worried me , thank god you're okay

What did you think I did ?=

-Not important ,
just now you're okay
that's it


Hey stranger=


Can we talk ,=
i'm bored

-Yes of course

-Tell me more about you

I'm a normal guy=
with a miserable
life who has a big
dream but don't
believe in himself ,
and even if I did
believe .. No one
believes in me ,
no one believes
that I would make it

-But I believe

You can't just=
believe in a stranger
like that

-Yoongi , I told you
before that I know you

You don't know=
my dream

-Yes but I know
you , and I know
that whatever it is ,
you'll reach it

Sweet stranger~mygWhere stories live. Discover now