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Today is the day

I sat in my bed clutching a scarlet red envelope, I was waiting for father to come home from the shop to open up the letter that contained the result of my future as a Demon Hunter. My father was a simple potions maker who worked in a small shop on the edge of the village, when I first sent out my letter, applying to one of the most prestigious Demon Hunting schools in our region he was hesitant, he didn't like the idea of me going to a school where they taught of how to deal with dangerous and unpredictable monsters but after countless times of trying to persuade me to go to a normal potions master school he gave up.

Although demons are one of the most dangerous beings in our region of Deloria there were still people crazy enough to fall in love with them and create an offspring of which is not fully human but not fully demon. These people were called half-bloods, they were another reason why my dad didn't want me to go to a Demon Hunting school, most of these schools allowed half-bloods to go to school with all the 'normal' students.

I personally didn't understand the prejudice against all demons, yes there are some who take pleasure from the pain and suffering of others but there are just as many who want to fulfill a normal life. It's just like some elves use their natural talent for archery as a way to terrorize small towns and villages.

I was pulled from out of my deep thoughts by the sound of a door opening and closing. I hopped from my bed and ran downstairs, almost tripping and breaking every bone in my body in the process.

As I made it downstairs I could see my father setting down his case which was most likely filled with herbs and other things used in potions. My father was, despite his age, an extremely handsome man due to the elf genes running in his blood, he had long platinum blonde hair that was tied up into a bun at the back of his head. We both had sharp facial features and the only thing that was drastically different between us were our eyes, he adorned a pair of greyish blue eyes while I had green eyes with brown specks in them that I had gotten from my mother.

I flung myself at him and tackled him into a hug.

He chuckled and hugged me back, we stayed like that for a few seconds before he pulled away and went to the cabinet to get out a teabag. I sat down and watched him as he filled the kettle with water and set it on top of the stove.

"So kiddo tell me, what is it that's got you all happy today" he leaned against the counter and waited for me to answer.

I jumped from my seat and bounced on my heels excitedly as I pulled the letter from behind me and showcased it to him, the smile on my face just getting wider.I knew there was a high chance that I wasn't accepted to the school but despite this I couldn't help but get excited at the thought of someone from the big city acknowledging me was enough to get me singing to the heavens, not literally of course.

I watched as father's eyes grew wide with shock as he read where the envelope was from.

"Well what the heck are you waiting for!? open it!" he gestured for me to open it and came to stand behind me.

I ripped open the envelope and held my breath as my eyes scanned the words on the letter. A lot of it was just a load of rubbish about the school and their high expectations. It took me a while to find something about whether or not I had gotten accepted to school or not but when I did I started to read out loud.

"The following recipient Casper Nolan has proven their academic excellence to be up to par with the expectations we have set, therefore they are due to start their first term at Norton academy for upcoming demon slayers in a months time. We look forward to seeing you for the new year!" I looked up from the letter and turned around to father who looked a mixture of happy and sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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