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Hermione was laughing loudly, her bushy hair everywhere as she threw her head back hitting Harry in the face, her shoulder lightly shoving him and nearly causing both of their drinks to spill. The chair they were in was a tight squeeze for the two of them, but neither of them minded, neither of them minded any of it. Harry smiled brightly watching the Weasley twins rough house with their little brother. Ron's cheeks were nearly as red as his hair from trying to escape George's headlock as Fred sang a song he made up about his brother's undying love to Hermione and her cat. Fred was keeping tune and time perfectly with the beat in the background drifting to them from somewhere in the Hufflepuff common room.

Harry had never been in the Hufflepuff dorms before, let alone one of their inner house parties and he kept letting his eyes wander around in curiosity, taking everything in including all the eyes of everyone staring at the Golden Trio. He wondered how he could so easily shut them out, the four houses and all the people who fill them sometimes and not others. Then Hermione snorted and his attention drifted back to his friends and he was thankful for being squished in an armchair with the rowdy Weasley's in front of him creating a bubble all their own, he didn't care about anyone else when he was having the best time right here.

Until a pair of grey eyes pierced right through the shield like only they could. Harry could feel the gaze before he actually met it. He chuckles and raises his drink to his lips, slowly moving his head to the side to look straight into Draco Malfoy's eyes. They silently watch the other from across the room and Harry waits for a sneer that never comes, so he lets himself stare unabashedly for a moment, drinking in the sight of the pureblood blonde. 

Something had changed between them at the end of last year and Harry hadn't been feeding into Malfoy's jabs and taunts since they came back in September. Mostly because he realized they didn't make him angry anymore, they made him want to shove the other boy against the wall and snog him speechless. Figuring out that his constant need for grappling and shoving with Malfoy was an excuse to touch him because of sexual tension and his huge crush was the reason Draco could always wind him up so easily had been absolutely mind blowing for Harry.  So much so he had needed to spend nearly two weeks locked away mulling it all over, but now, especially while watching Malfoy's confused, calculating face it was damn amusing. All Harry could think of is how he wanted the other boy underneath him.

Draco felt like he was dying of thirst. He was swimming in Harry's emerald eyes practically begging him for the level of attention he was so used to receiving. He had no idea what game Potter was playing at, but being ignored was driving him mad. He had felt the shift last year, suddenly he didn't want to hurt Harry anymore, but he'd be damned if he knew any other way to keep the boys hands and mind on him. Lately all Draco could think of was grabbing Potter roughly by the collar and snogging the idiot senseless just to get his focus back, which was also driving him mad because when the bloody hell did his brain switch from wanting to beat Harry Potter at everything to just wanting to be underneath him? He's nearly scared to blink, scared that the split second it takes for his eyes to open and close will be just enough for Potter to slip away and go back to ignoring him. 

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