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Harry runs down another flight of stairs that no one else seem eager to follow him down and stops to rest in a big stone alcove with a stained glass window. He chuckles to himself as he sits disturbing the dust of the abandoned space.

"You look awfully suspicious Potter." Draco softly sneers making Harry jump and spin away from the mosaic to look into his beautiful grey eyes for the second time that night.

"Can you give detentions for suspicion alone?" Harry smirks with raised eyebrows and Draco feels the butterflies race through him, not content with his stomach alone they take over his whole body. 

"I think you'd be surprised the things I can do." Draco says with a lot more cool confidence than he actually feels and has to bite back the delighted grin that tries to take over his face when he sees a sprinkle of goosebumps raise on Harry's forearms.

"That so Malfoy?" Harry's blood is rushing, he tries to brush Malfoy off, tries to look away to break the growing need to get the other boy to come a little bit closer. 

This drives Draco mad. He quickly steps forward and roughly grabs Harry's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "Don't ignore me Potter." Waves of electricity and sexual tension wash over the boys much too warm and full of static. "You've been doing it all term. You're making me mental." The last part comes out as a whisper as he drops Harry's chin. 

"And what if I don't stop? What happens then?" Old habits die hard and Harry can't resist working Draco up when they're so close like this. Both of their hearts are ready to beat of their chests. The looks on their faces are anything but inviting, daring the other to make any sort of move. 

"You really want to find out?" Draco challenges, grabbing Harry's collar. 

Harry breaks his grasp, rolling his eyes. "Come off it Malfoy. You're a Prefect, you really want to be caught fighting?" He smooths his shirt and makes to walk away. 

"Don't you dare walk away from me Scarhead!" Malfoy bristles indignantly. Harry can't see his face but he imagines the cross furrow of his perfectly shaped light eyebrow and the pout of his plump pink lips, it makes him smile. "I mean it Harry Potter!"

Harry stops dead in his tracks. He's never heard Draco say his first name before. His breath catches and this time the goosebumps ripple over his whole body.

Draco's blood freezes. "Fuck." He mumbles quietly.

Harry spins so quickly Draco panics a bit, he's never seen Potter move that fast unless he was angry. The Gryffindor shoves him against the wall by his hips, their chest pressed against one another. Then Harry's hand is on his cheek guiding their lips together feverishly and desperate, yet gentle and sweet at the same time.

Draco's head is spinning and he's sure Harry must've dropped one the balls he got from the Weasely's because he's seeing explosive, colourful sparks but his eyes aren't open and there's no screeching.  And thank Merlin for that because Potter just made the most wonderful little sighing noise. This noise helps alert Draco that he is exactly where he has wanted to be for the past...well it feels like forever now. He grabs a handful of Harry's hair and deepens the kiss pulling him closer.

Their tongues are fighting for dominance and their hands are roaming the other's body. Their hearts beating so fast, in sync. How did they ever do anything but this before? How could they possibly think they were ever made for anything but this?

All they can think of is getting the other one closer.

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