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"Right then lovebirds! Freddy and I are going to need the best part of the Golden Trio to come with us for a moment." George claps his hands and Ron and Harry look from the twins to Hermione in bewilderment. "It's really cute that you think 'Mione is the best of you three, honestly, heartwarming. Almost as heartwarming as you both being okay with getting referred to as lovebirds. But I was laying on the thick charm for our best investor. Harry we've got something to show you. No prefects allowed." He says pointedly at Ron and Hermione. 

Harry smiles at his friends conflicted faces as he stands. "'Course! Lead the way." He was flanked with a tall, red head on either side of him, both linking their arms through his and pulling him through the party to a shadowy corner near the door, none of them notice Malfoy watching from the other corner. 

"We're a bit excited for this one. We've got four colours so far and it works a bit like Purivian Darkness Powder. You just take the ball and toss it down and it sends a cloud of colourful smoke for you to blind whoever's chasing you so you can escape. But it also sends up sparks and screeches to alert whoever you're with that you've been caught and are leaving." George explains eagerly, barely pausing to breathe.

"Or just to serve as more distraction in your hasty get away if you're pranking solo." Fred says pulling a few colourful balls from his pocket. "These green ones are more similar to Dung Bombs though. They still send a big fog of smoke but they're meant to be thrown at someone rather than the ground. Both ways work, but they smell absolutely wretched and will dye whoever they're thrown at green. Percy loves them."

 Harry's eyes are sparkling. "You two are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant."

"We're still working on packaging but you can take these ones." Fred dumps the balls into Harry's hands. 

"We're hoping to start selling them next month. But of course we wanted to give you the first look since you've helped so much." George grins. "I'm gonna toss one into the party and then we'll run out to the hall. Don't run the same way as us, we're going to drop a green one for Filch for the detention we got last night."

"Peeves told us he'd have him over by kitchens for us. Good old Peevesy. Oh! We gave him a few bombs too, so be careful!" Fred smirks.

"And mad. Brilliant and mad." Harry smiles and the twins look proud of themselves.

"You forgot witty, sweet, great friends."

"Devastatingly handsome, smart."


" Oh and modest! How could I forget that?" Harry cuts them off before they can get on a roll. They all grin brightly at each other and even Draco cracks a bit of smile safely hidden away.

"Right you are mate!" Fred claps Harry on the shoulder. "Get ready to run." Suddenly the room erupts into bright purple sparks and thick smoke accompanied by screeches, ones from the bomb and ones from the startled party goers. 

The four boys scramble out into the hall laughing, high on the thrill of pranking, followed closely by a wave of people trying to escape the smoke. The fresh air was short lived as the twins tore off down the hall. They heard Filch yell and then saw a puff of putrid green smoke. Harry and Draco ran quickly in the other direction, happy that they only got a small whiff of the disgusting bomb before leaping down a staircase. They could hear people gagging and Harry threw a delighted look behind him at the crowd of students running away. Draco was a few paces behind him, but when he saw the pure joy glittering in his emerald eyes and the carefree grin that he'd never seen on the stoic Chosen One before he nearly ran headfirst into a Ravenclaw girl. Seeing him this way almost knocks the air out of the Malfoy heir. 

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