One Night In A Strange City

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                   It was almost midnight, it was pouring down and the night was freezing cold. The long flight was tiring. The plane from America had just landed and voices of boys, women, men, and fans, could be heard.

                   At first it was faint, but it soon turned louder, their identities were unknown. Soon, fans recognized them as a boy band they loved dearly. The boys had strolled through the airport as if nothing had happened. They didn't even dare take a look at their fans. How unusual.

                    The boys strolled through the airport. The fans went quiet. Everything seemed... strange. The boys loaded up their luggage, and separated into two black SUVs. They had said nothing, looked at no-one, and seemed to ignore everybody but themselves. The fans hoped they were okay.

                      Everybody who knew them at the airport watched them drive away to an unknown location, hoping that they were alright. After the boys were gone for good, staff had seen that the fans seemed tense and worried. They assured them that the boys were just fine and would be back to V-Live and other media sources in the next week or so.

                      Though the fans still had a skeptical look on their faces, they listened and went home, all still a little bit paranoid about what was unfolding before their worried eyes.

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