Art Challenge : Draw this song / Digital Art?!

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Hey ho Twinkles!

I'm gonna divide this chapter in two parts:

- First Part: Art Challenge: Draw this song


- Second Part: Digital Art?!

First part: Art Challenge : Draw this song

Recently it has been going well with uploading new chapters! I just had a lot of time to do stuff I love: And that would be to draw! And I'm not done yet!

I got suggested by someone for Music_is_lifeu 's art contest (Well he/she said it's not exactly an art contest but more like a challenge)

The subject was to draw something to the song: "Demons" by Imagine Dragons.

And oh boi. I used to love this song. Tbh I still do! Although I think edgy teenager use this song too much for their "depression". And I really don't wanna make fun of depression! Depression is a serious mental health condition. And that's exactly the point! You can't just go around and say: "Oh. I've decided to have depression."

Stop and think for a second: "Is it really that serious? Can I really call it depression? Are there not ppl out there who have it worse than me?" It's just that I feel like all the kids nowadays kinda overreact. But I surely can relate. So jfc just take a moment and think of it a bit if it's really depression.

Damn. That went outta hand pretty quick😂. It's just a pretty sensitive subject for me.

A little summary for Music_is_lifeu, so she knows what inspired me.

"Don't get too close. It's dark inside. There's where my demons hide, there's where my demons hide."

This phrase was kinda where I drew my inspiration from. I think we all have them: Our demons inside. And I actually think that there's nothing other ppl could do to help. It's more like you have to overcome them yourself. Or as I like to put it: "To lern to befriend your demons." That's why I don't really see them as something particularly bad. I just kinda accepted that they're a part of me.

So I didn't draw my demon as scary looking as others might do. But if one doesn't pay attention it can went out of hand pretty quick.

The darkness symbolises the "darkness" which is also mentioned in the song. I think they mean, that the demons hide inside the depths of our souls. But who knows how it really looks down there? The chain around his neck doesn't actually symbolises the way we have to restrain them. No. Its more like to show, how they are forever connected to ourselfs. And how they can't go anywhere. That is what I meant when I said: No one can help you with your demons. And then of course the blood dripping from his one eye. As I said, I don't think that our demons are particularly bad. But if we don't prove, that we have a strong will, they probably gonna try to breake us.

So here's the picture! (Is this considered Gore?)😂

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Sigh. And of course. There's again a lot of things I would like to change. I dunno. I'm just not loving it... I first drew him wayyyy to asian looking.😂 And bc I personally don't think asian guys are that attractive (sowwy for all the bts fans and anime enthusiast out there😂) I had to perform some strong plastic surgery in order to change his looks... In which I didn't succeed by the way😂. He still looks like an Asian tho. But somehow like the type of celebrity Asian from Thailand or smth that is a halfblood (Why are all halfbloods so attractive? Why am I missing out😂😭) Ugh. Maybe he is attractive for someone else but for me he just doesn't quite fit. His shoulders could be broader and I think the way his whole face is shaped is just weird...

Yeah... I'm still trying to figure out how to draw a accurate human being...But I'm more active on the male side😂 I think that is mostly due to the fact I don't draw things I'm not interested in (Cars, buildings, women, the majority of things that don't "live" etc.) Lately I've been struggling more... I just don't know. It's like, my brain knows what to do but my hands just keep messing up... I feel like I know how to draw a decent human being but my hands are just all over the place!

Hopefully I'm gonna undergo a new artstyle change so that I can finally draw without the constant feeling that I messed up.

Second Part: Digital Art?!

And yes guys. It has gotten so bad that I even consider trying out digital art...

YES! YOU'VE HEARD THAT RIGHT! ME, THE MOONDRAGON, TRYING OUT DIGITAL ART?! It's like trying to combine oil with water... But... Recently I thought to myself: "Moon, you've been doing this sh*t to yourself for your whole lifetime now." And to be honest: I'm kinda tired. Tired of seeing all the effort I put in to learn something only to see it develop so slowly. Maybe I'm impatient, maybe this is just a phase. And even though I swore to myself to never touch something related to digital art, I'm still kinda curious. You see, as a traditional Artist you have to learn how the materials work. You have to develop a feeling for them, otherwise you won't be able to do a perfect piece of traditional art. And that's exactly the point: It takes a lifetime to master something like traditional art! I think it's kinda impossible to know your way perfectly with every medium that exists. But then there's digital art. And I really don't wanna brag about it's users but y'all have to admit: It's probably a lot easier to work with the different tools. Like, you don't have to worry about it smearing, the paper getting all wavy etc. etc. Y'all get what I mean. Digital art is executive wise probably easier to handle then traditional art. And if you have a decent understanding of simple proportions the door to the world basically stands wide open for you. And don't get me wrong and accuse me of never using programs like this before. I'm an architecture student and I basically earn my money with this stuff.

What I'm trying to say with this is: I want the time I spend since my earliest childhood finally paid out. And now I really don't care anymore if it's either with traditional art or digital art. I just want to see, if I can finally fulfill my dream of finding true satisfaction in drawing.

And that's why I also wanna hear your opinion about all this. Please tell me what you all think I should do. It would help me a lot deciding on what I should do next. 🔽

-The MD

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