Who The Hell Is This Straw Hat Kid?! Dude I Just Want A Water...

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"And there you go," Tani grinned at her handy work. Chopper looked in awe at the small bell necklace that Tani made for him. "Now if you get lost, just shake it and I'll come running ok?" she explained. Chopper nodded in understanding.

"Tani! Come fish with us," Luffy waved at the girl with the spare fishing rod in hand. She snickered and walked over, grabbing the fishing rod and plopping herself in between Usopp and Luffy. Chopper walked over to watch. They sat there peacefully, nothing was biting the lines but that didn't really bother them much.

"Hey what's that?" Usopp asked, pointing towards a steamy spot on the ocean. Nami walked down the stairs, approaching the boys (and girl).

"That's the steam from an underwater volcano, the heat from the volcano causes the water to steam up," she explained. Tani looked at the spot, she remembered something her science teacher had mentioned.

"That means in a couple million years there should be a new island," she added to Nami's statement. Usopp and Luffy looked amazed. "At least that's what my teacher said, because of all the magma and stuff from the volcano builds up into and island or something... I think?" she questioned herself. The boys were too busy talking about how cool it would be to see an new island rise from the ocean.

"What if it was a meat island? Tani will it be a meat island?" Luffy asked, his mouth watering buckets of drool onto the deck. Tani laughed at the display, slapping at the wood with her hand as she laughed. Usopp and Chopper joined in with her contagious laughter.

Nami looked at the group with a pleased expression. Tani really brings out something special within them all. Nami can't imagine returning to the girls room without finding Tani sitting on her bed with her headphones... She was such a mystery to the world. The crew was lucky that of all the ships in the world that she could have appeared on, she managed to find her way to the Going Merry.

Tani still had many quirks that the other crew members didn't have. The bells being a big one, the bags of random snacks and clothes she managed to bring back with her at random without having any Berri to spend. Then there were the physical differences, her healing rate was much slower... Maybe that's something she should bring up with Chopper.

"Chopper, mind if I pull you over here for a second?" Nami asked the little doctor, Chopper nodded and followed Nami over to the closet turned medical bay.

"What's up Nami," Chopper asked cutely. Dear lord he's so cute what the hell. Nami had to hold back a squeal to explain.

"It's about Tani," she started. Chopper stilled, expecting the worst. "She's probably made this clear already but, Tani's not from around here." Nami said vaguely. She sat on the exam table which Chopper jumped up next to her.

"Tani actually appeared on Merry right before we met Sanji," Nami recounted fondly. That was a day, they really got off on the wrong foot that day. "She's from a world that we've never been to. Her body heals much slower than ours do, so she might have more differences that we don't know yet." she stressed. Chopper nodded at this.

"I'll have to pull her over and have a chat, thank you for bringing this up," the little doctor smiles sweetly. Nami held her heart at the pure reaction.

"Can't have Tani dropping dead on us when she has dreams to achieve," Nami winked.

"I think we just caught a guy?!" Tani shrieked from outside. Nami and Chopper ran outside to see what the commotion was about.

Attached to the trios fishing lines was a man? He had the face shape of a man but dressed in a more feminine manner. They pulled him onto the boat, the man looked grateful for their rescue. Which he expressed in a very flamboyant way.

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