Fly Me To The Moon And Let Me Please Not Fall To Far

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To say that Nami was fuming would be an understatement. From the stress of Luffy and Tani cutting it close with their arrival, to the new wanted posters, and the injuries that Cricket and CO sustained dampening their ability to work on the modifications to Merry. It was all a bit much for the young woman, so she took it out on her favourite punching bag Luffy.

Tani was too busy being panicked over by Sanji, the man had a heart attack when he saw she had a bounty (he was also very jealous he didn't have one yet, but she didn't need to know that) so he made declarations to keep her safe from all bodily harm, which was sweet.

The sun had begun rising, the warm glow making the world look a tinge golden. The smell of a storm brewing wafted through the air, it's time.

"You crazy kids be careful now," Cricket wished, the sack of gold that Luffy retrieved was resting in his arms. Nami was ushering everyone onto the boat, goodbyes and well wishes were shared. Cricket called out his final request before the newly modified Merry was to make her maiden voyage.

"Keep to the centre of the knock up stream! Or it'll be certain death! Good luck!" he called out. Usopp's legs wobbled with fear, Sanji and Chopper gave the cowardly sniper an encouraging pat to the back. Tani was slowly feeling a pit form in the centre of her stomach... A realization dawning on her clouded thoughts...

Sky is up, up is high, Tani doesn't like high, Tani was going to sky which is up and up means high. Her normally healthy brown glow diminished on the spot, leaving her as ghostly white as possible with her skin tone. She felt her hands clasp at her hair with a deathly grip, legs shaking so fast it would give Usopp a run for his money.

"Alright boys let's get this show on the-hey Tani? are you alright?" Nami questioned, Tani lifted her head and stared with widened eyes as tears filled her fear fueled panic.

"Sk-sk-skah-sky!" she stuttered, catching the attention of everyone. How embarrassing... Chopper was the first to respond.

"WE FORGOT SHE HAS A FEAR OF HEIGHTS?!" He squawked with flailing limbs. The crew all looked bug eyed at the realization, panic ensued.

"Should we turn back?!"

"No we've already made it this far!"

"Why didn't she say anything?!"

"How could we forget!"

"Tani dearest would you like me to-"


"Shitty cook don't do anything weird you pervert,"

"Shitty marimo!"

"Will you two quit it!"


Through all the commotion it was Luffy who remained calm and collected, he poked at his hat with a tilt of his head. You could almost see steam pouring out of his ears as he scrunched his eyes together in thought.

He beamed as a thought finally entered the empty grey matter he called a brain. He rolled his shoulder, akin to how he would ready a gum gum pistol. Only instead of of punting Tani off the boat, his arm was thrown towards her and looped around her waist about seven times. Holding her tightly within his grasp, a literal life line.

"I got her! Let's set sail for the stream!" Luffy declared, leaving his arm to stretch as he ran around doing his own thing. Leaving Tani stunned in a mix of "Holy shit I'm going to die" and "I'm gonna fall to my demise". The rest of the crew had that equally worried sentiment towards their fearful nakama but their captain wouldn't let her fall. They all knew this, but it didn't make it any less scary.

She Came From Outta Space... I Think?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang