Chapter Eleven

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When my eyelids lazily lifted to expose where I was, I felt like that I had been unconscious and lying there for about two hours, it had become much darker now than before I was knocked out by chasing the man.  Who was that man? Was he possibly the killer? These questions ran through my mind while lying there, trying to get enough energy to lift myself up.

I put my hands down, with my palms facing the grass, and tucked them by my chest. I applied pressure on them to hopefully lift my body up. I managed to lift myself up at about ten centimetres, so far so good. Then I did a great lift and rolled over so I was sitting up. My body hung loosely over my legs, my back bent. It was a big effort to get to this point, I tried to look up but at the back of my head where I was whacked by the man who had taken the blood. I lifted my hand to touch it and it stung as I did so, I winced in pain. I thought that I should sit here for a bit until I could finally stand up and make my way back to the hospital.

When I finally managed to pick up my body, and was able to balance on my two feet, I slowly trudged back to the hospital, like a drunk. Swaying side to side and sometimes stumbling upon my feet. The hospital seemed miles away from where I was, I had chased that guy for a long time but I didn't realise how long that was until now. After clearing a few bushes out of my way and stepping through them, I managed to make out the lights of the hospital building, I groaned and kept walking, while holding the back of my head.

As soon as I entered the sliding doors at the entrance, I saw a different woman at the reception desk and she smiled up at me like the other one had. "How can I help you, sir?" She asked, her eyes glistening up at me.

"Mm, I've hurt my head, well I was whacked. So I just need to get it checked, as soon as possible." I squinted down at her, and she still kept smiling.

"Just wait in the waiting room and someone will be out soon, what was the name, sir?"

"Salvador." I replied back. And turned around to face the chairs in the waiting room and chose a seat to settle down in. I groaned and slumped back in my chair, covering the part where the pain was severe.

A doctor came in as soon I was getting relaxed in my hard plastic chair. "Salvador?" I opened up my eyes and stared at him before getting up and following him to his checking room or where they examine people or whatever.

"So what seems to be the problem, officer?" He called me officer now, probably from my uniform, which wasn't much, just a black coat, pants and a badge indicating that I was from the force.

"I was hit on the head with something, a hard object, I'm not sure what it was. I was hit here," I pointed to the contacted area. "It's actually quite painful."

"Ah let me see." I let him examine my head, and he pressed the are lightly making me squeeze out sounds of pain, and causing my face to make wincing expressions. "Okay, I'll just give you some pain killers for now. It doesn't seem like anything severe has happened, I might need to do an CT scan to be sure your brain isn't bruised or bleeding. But for now it just seems like a small concussion. Well just to be sure, I'll ask you a few questions."

I gave a weak smile. "Fire away." I said not very enthusiastically.

"What were you doing before the injury?"

I shut my eyes and gulped. "Well, I was at the hospital for my partner, he needed some medical attention." I opened my eyes slowly before continuing. "And I was waiting outside when there was a breach in the blood unit, I went to the unit and saw a man coming out so I followed him and chased him outside and just as I got to a tree, he came out and whacked me on the head. Then I woke up, after about a couple of hours and came here."

"Well, your memory seems to be intact so that's good. I'll just do some tests to be sure your nerves are responding well." He picked up a pocket torch. He pointed the light right at my eyes, and it hurt. "Your pupils are dilating, good. Now look at the light, follow it." I did as he said and followed it, after moving it side to side a couple of times he put it down. "Good, and it seemed that you could walk fine, so your balance is okay. I think all that you may need it just some rest, lots of sleep. If the pain is still there after a week or so, come back to me and I'll do a CT scan and MRI. I'll prescribe some painkillers for you, just incase."

"Thank you, sounds good." I stood up and took the prescription slip, after he printed it out and handed it to me. I walked out and went up to see Galloway in floor 6, I hoped he was okay by now.

When I walked into his room, he was resting, and he was hooked up to some machines and drips. I didn't know what they were, but Galloway was looking better and not in excruciating pain like before. A nurse came in to check on him. I turned to her. "Excuse me, what happened to him?"

She looked at me, suspiciously. "Sorry, how do you know him?"

"Oh I'm his partner, detective Salvador, I brang him here." Her face relaxed a bit.

"Oh, yes he asked about you. I'm sorry but he has appendicitis and he needs to have an operation immediately, and get his appendix removed before a more severe infection occurs."

I looked at my partner on his bed. "Oh, oh really? That sounds bad, how long will it take him to recover, after the operation?"

"Hmm, about a couple of months, I'm sorry but he won't be able to do anything until he's fully recovered, that includes his job, he'll stay here until he does so."

"Oh that's too bad. Just tell him I'll be back tomorrow when he wakes up, thanks."

"I will." She smiled back.

I turned around to leave the room whilst the nurse stayed and checked that everything was fine with my partner. My pain was better than it had been before, and I think I was able to drive, atleast to the nearest pharmacy where I could get some medication and go home and rest. The pharmacy was luckily right next to the hospital, which was very helpful.

I walked up to the receptionist and gave my slip to her and she swiftly turned around to get my medication. While she did that I walked over to the big fridge that held all the drinks and got myself a bottle of water, to swallow the pills with. She scanned my water and tapped in the code for the pills. "That'll be $15 and 48 cents." She said while looking at the screen.

"Yep." I swiped my card and punched in my pin code, and looked at the screen until 'accepted' popped up. "Thanks." I said as she handed me my items.

I settled in the car and took the pills, and took a swig of water until the pills had successfully gone down my throat. I was capable to drive back home and I managed it pretty well. I made sure to go slowly and take my time. I wasn't in a rush. I made it home safely and as soon as I entered through the door and took care of my alarm, I knocked out on my bed. It was a good sleep, one that was really needed.

When I finally woke up, it was already 9:30am, as I could see on my clock. I was late for work, but then I thought for a while and decided to stay home and take the rest I really need for my head, and just a day off from more bizarre deaths and the case. I called up Mr Collins to tell him that I won't be coming in.

"Hello?" Mr Collins said.

"Hello, sir, it's Salvador."

"Salvador, you okay, why haven't you come in? you're usually the first one here."

"Oh I just wanted to say I won't be coming in today, I think I might have a slight concussion and I need some rest, I'll be at work tomorrow probably."

"A concussion? How'd that happen? Yeah that's fine, can't have injured men on the job."

"Oh it happened last night, there was a breach in the blood unit in the hospital, I was chasing the guy and he hit me on the head."

"Oh yes I got reports on the breach, there was only O+ blood taken apparently. What were you doing there?"

I sighed, wow this man had alot of questions. "Oh really I didn't know that, I had to get my head checked. Oh I was taking Galloway home and he started groaning and stuff so I took him and it happens that my care free partner has appendicitis. Guess he won't be at work for a while, you should go see him he's on floor 6." I wished that there was no more questions coming.

"I shall go check on him later today, you make sure you get some rest. We really need you on this case and solve it as soon as we can. Bye."

"Bye." And I hung up. I decided to go brush my teeth, and get cleaned up from last night. I still had my uniform on, so I had a shower and changed into something more comfortable and chucked my uniform in the wash, to be cleaned. I began to get hungry so I prepared something quick, like a sandwich, mm yummy. I ate, took my pills and I was back in bed, ready for another snooze.

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