Chapter Thirteen

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Making the mould, or so speaking "skin" was much easier than I had expected it would be, using arm and leg mould and filling it with hard plastic, which was a synthetic skin, which was usually used for prosthetic legs was simple. But making the rest of the body was a bit time consuming.

I haven't covered the front yet, so that I could put all his organs, blood and metal in. The metal will be put in as it will help with the conductivity of the lightning energy and will help it to pass through his arms and all over his body, it will be as if he has sort of like a metal skeleton.

The skeleton is already in its fixed positing, helping to hold up the synthetic skin, no the hard work begins.

"Hey, hey James." I called out when I got to work, and I saw him. It has been two days since I gave him the blueprint.

"Yes." He sounded like he didn't want to see me, how peculiar. How peculiar indeed.

"Um, I just wanted to know what you thought about, you plans." I whispered to him, raising my hand to mouth, to shield my voice from getting to someone else's ears.

"Can we please not talk about this now? I'm staying till later, we'll talk about this then, okay?" He whispered back to me.

I straightened up. "Fine." And walked off like nothing happened.

The thought of him telling his decision bounced around in my mind, thinking whether he will say yes or no. I didn't know why I was acting like this, of course he would say yes, my idea is logical and valid. I mean what other scientist wouldn't want to create a superhero? Sadly no other scientist has an assistant as brilliant as me.

I waited all day to hear his final judgement. It made my palms sweat and my body shiver as the time came closer. As workers got up and left my nervousness grew and after the last one had gone, leaving just me and James, I looked like a bucket of water had just tipped over me.

I stared at James as he kept working, not even realising that everyone had gone, or he was just wanting to stall and not answering my question. I saw him as he picked up a test tube full of green liquid and held it up to the light before putting it down in its  holder and recording down his observations. He took absolutely no notice of me. I gave a light cough, as if I was clearing my throat but this was all just an act to get his attention and scream 'woohoo I'm still here, if you didn't know.'

He stopped writing and he glanced up at me. "Oh you're still here?"

My face twisted in confusion, of course I'm still here you idiot! I need my bloody answer! "Ye-yes."

"I thought you would've gone home by now, with everyone else." He gave a light chuckle, before returning to his recording.

"N-no, you said that you um wanted to tell me my answer?" I looked down at my desk with papers strewn all over it.

"What? Oh oh yes, your light thing. No." He wasn't even looking at me now, his back rudeley facing me.

"What?! What do you mean no?!" I was quite confused with his answer.

"I mean that I'm not going to go with your plan. It's clearly childish, who has dreams of creating a superhero or whatever." He started touching some beakers filled with several other substances.

"Childish? We could create a super human! Have you ever thought about that?" I was flabberghasted, he certainly was an idiot.

"And that is childish. You're just another amateur scientist who wants to tamper with the work of God and incorporate it in science, tell me do you even think that making Frankenstein was possible?"

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