love within

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Sammy went home and rest after him and Bendy having there fun time. He gose to sleep and tries to forget about what happened today. The next day Sammy went to work and write music notes. Bendy walks in and talks to Sammy. "Hey there Sammy. What are doing?". Bendy looks down and see Sammy writing. "Music notes uh". Sammy looks at Bendy. "Yeah like as usual". Bendy then had a idea. "After work Sammy meat me in the saff room at the end of work I want to you be there for something". At the end of the day Sammy went to meet Bendy in the staff room and he was there smiling. "Hey Sammy made it". Sammy was wondering what he wants. "So what is that you want to show". Bendy and Sammy walks into the staff room and lock the door. "Sammy I want to have some bonding with you but this time I will let you do what ever you want to me". Sammy then started grinding and his eyes were wiyed open. "Strip for me Bendy". Did what Sammy said. Bendy took his clothes off and though them across the room. "Sit on my lap". Bendy jumps on Sammy lab. Bendy's tail started wagging. "Feel my body Bendy". Bendy puts his hands on Sammy and feels his face and went from his face to his chest. He feels Sammy legs and feels his crotch. "Now suck my cock". Bendy unzips Sammy pants and gets his cock out and starts putting his cock in Bendy's mouth. Sammy moans quietly and softly of pleasure. Bendy then starts licking Sammy's cock like a ice cream. "Ugh stop". Bendy stops licking Sammy's cock and looked at him. "Bend over on the side of my lap". Bendy moves on the side of Sammy's lap and bends over with his ass out. Sammy gets his hand out and spanks Bendy. "Oh Sammy don't stop spanking me". Sammy then spanks Bendy harder making Bendy plush more and moan. "Spank me harder daddy". Sammy stops spanking Bendy because his ass was turning red. "I think that's it for now Bendy". Bendy gets up.
"Your right but we well do this again another time". Bendy puts his clothes back on and they both go home.

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