Don't You Know Who I think I Am?

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A/N : oh my god this new wattpad update sucks where you have to title the part first, like what the fuck I have a story idea I have to think about the title lay off my ass. Anyway, the title is lame, and I was watching it's a boy girl thing earlier and had this idea for a crossover??? Fanfic. So, yeah. Enjoy.

Pairing : Gerard Way/Frank Iero, Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump.

Rating : R


Gerard groaned when he woke up all of a sudden in his bunk, and hit his head on the ceeling. Fuck, bunks were tiny ass placed. He had been living in one for ages now, and he still did not get used to them.

He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone, then squinted at the screen. What the fuck? Why did he feel the need to wake up at 2.30 am? He didn't wake up in the middle of the night. He never did. Even as a child.

Frowning to himself, he figured he must have had a lot of coffee, even for himself. He sighed again and stretched his arms, wondering if Frank was up. He could be, Frank was a fucking owl, he was always up at such odd times.

That's when the freaking ink caught his eye.

He immediately looked at his hands properly and freaked out. How the hell did he get so many tattoos? Gerard didn't have tattoos. Fuck, the thought of a needle scared him shitless, how in the world did he manage to get so many? In one night?

That's when Gerard heard Patrick Stump's voice, calling out for Pete. He was confused, it was in the middle of the night, and hell Patrick wasn't even in his band, why the fuck would he be in My Chem's tour bus?

Suddenly, the curtain of his bunk was pushed back and the fedora-less face of Patrick Stump appeared.

"Hey, Pete. I figured you couldn't get any sleep. Move over."

Gerard just stared at Patrick. Why was he calling Gerard Pete? Hell, why was Patrick in their tour bus?

Patrick raised an eyebrow and giggled. "So that's how it's gonna be." He said and fucking climbed on to Gerard's lap, and Gerard grunted.

"What the fuck?" When he spoke, his voice sounded familiar, but it was not his voice.

Patrick just looked up at him and wrapped his legs around his waist, which was weird. Because hello, they're not even in the same band.

"I couldn't sleep too, so I figured you must be awake and came over." Patrick said and lay his head on Gerard's chest.

Gerard shrugged and figured it was all a bad dream, that Patrick was actually Frank and he did not have so many tattoos up his arms. He leaned against the bunk wall and fell asleep like that, Patrick still on his lap.


The next morning, when Gerard woke up, he still had a Patrick Stump asleep over him.

Gerard widened his eyes and looked at his arms again, which were still tattooed.

He cursed slowly and shuffled Patrick off him, and got off the bunk and called out for Frank.

What he got was the nesty head of Joe Trohman peeking from his bunk.

"Hey, man there's no one named Frank in our band?" He said.

Gerard frowned again. When did Trohman become a part of his band?

"Huh?" He said stupidly and Trohman rolled his eyes.

"Our band, Pete. Fall Out Boy. As far as I know, Frank Iero plays with My Chemical Romance."

Gerard bit his lip and nodded, internally freaking out. He rushed to the bathroom and locked himself in, then peeked at the mirror.

Because fuck, it was the face of Pete Wentz staring back at him.

Gerard freaked again and took out his, no Pete's? Phone and looked through the contacts and dialied his own number.

Pete picked up on the last ring, and Gerard almost passed out at the stupidity of hearing his own voice on the phone.

"What the fuck do you want?" Pete said in Gerard's voice and Gerard groaned.

"Pete?" He said and the voice on the other end went silent.

"What the-why the hell  do you have my voice?" He said and Gerard shut his eyes.

"We seem to have exchanged bodies."Gerard sounded crazy to himself.

Pete, on the other hand started yelling.

"What the fuck? Where are my tattoos? Hell, I do not even like this hairstyle."

"Thank you very much, Mr Emo. Now we need to figure out what to do, because I sure as hell cannot play bass, and you, oh my god you know what? Don't even try singing. Don't." Gerard said and held his head.

Pete grunted. "I won't, motherfuker.  Now please be a darling and at least behave like me. You know, go and cuddle everyone. I'll do my best to be an asshole before I get that coffee. We'll figure it out."

Gerard groaned. This was not going to be his life.

Pete then added, "Oh, and Patrick's gonna want some morning sex. Be a sweetheart and do it. And I top, just so your submissive self doesn't go and ask Patty to fuck you. Or fuck me? You know what, this is weird."

Gerard was about done with living Pete Wentz's life.

"And you wanna tell me anything about Frank?" Pete asked him and Gerard blushed.

"I-uh friends with benifits? I dunno." He said slowly and Pete laughed.

"Sure. Just so you know, Patrick's my boyfriend so please treat him like one. Okay, I smell coffee. Toodles."

And just like that, Pete was gone.

Gerard straighted his, no Pete's hair and washed Pete's face. He was pretty sure he had gone insane.

Gerard then stepped out of the bathroom and on the way to his bunk, was met with an overly eager Patrick Stump.

"Pete! You're up so early. Good morning." Patrick walked straight up to him and planted a big kiss on his mouth.

Gerard almost puked, but stopped himself.

"Just pretend it's Frank." He thought and finally kissed Patrick back.

Patrick sighed and broke the kiss, then jumped upon his back. Gerard almost dropped him, because what the fuck?

"I love you. Now carry me outside, you seem to have forgotten your everyday routine." Patrick giggled and nipped at Gerard's neck.

Gerard rolled his eyes. Typical of Pete to do everyday.

He carried Patrick on to the lounge and sat down next to him, but Patrick just pouted at him.

"I'm not on your lap. And you didn't even say 'I love you' back to me."

Gerard frowned and held his arms out, and Patrick immediately shuffled onto his lap.

Patrick smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

"what's on your mind?"

Oh, Gerard thought. A thousand things. Like how I'm not really Pete Wentz.

But he shook his head and smiled back. "I love you too." He heard himself say in Pete's voice. Patrick sighed happily and cuddled into him.

Gerard's life was going to suck without Frank. Or rather, without My Chem.


A/N: to be continued. I know, it sucks but I'll probably need a chapter or two more, that's it. Hope you enjoyed xx comment and vote!

Wow, I named the part after the FOB song. I'm so clever.

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